Part 9

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"Then what the hell do you want? And make it quick. I don't have all say for your slow ass' to explain." I replied annoyed again.

I waited for him to explain as he finally did.
"We want you to join our team." My mouth shot open as my eyes widened. Was he actually serious right now?! I stood up and looked at him stupid. He looked serious..
"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled. He nodded looking confused.
"What's wrong?" He asked. What a dumb question to ask.
""What's wrong?" He says. "What's wrong?" HE SAYS!" I shouted again.
"First, you threatened me. TWICE. Second you tried to kill me TWICE, third, you also tried to kill my friends! Fourth, you put so many blades to my fucking throat! And fifth YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" I screamed angrily. I walked up to him and shoved him into the wall with some force that I didn't even know I had but didn't care, I let my rage blind me. He seemed shocked at how much strength I actually had, now knowing Snapnap wasn't joking.
"If you EVER think I'll join you.. your wrong! I don't join sides with poeple who tried to-"
"I heard you the first time, Princess." He interrupted. As I softend my anger so did my attitude a bit.
"Okay.. good! So you now know I won't join you, so.. get out!" I repeated. Within' a blink of an eye he grabbed my wrist slamming me into the wall. He somehow managed to grab me just like Snapnap did, but how?! My eyes widened with pure shock with how he did that with such speed and strength. I didn't bare to fight back since I for once.. was scared too.
"First of all, no one tells me what to do. Got it? Second of all, I wasn't finished talking!" He shouts holding both my wrists against the wall with his hands. I could barely move, it was so uncomfortable..
"As I was saying. We want you to join our team. BECAUSE, You are fast, strong brave, smart and we presume your a good fighter. So you could become useful in our battles against L'manburg. We will also get you an actual room, although you'll be living under our roof.. you'll have food water, anything you can think of." He finished looking down at me as I thought for a moment. L'manburg was where I once was from.. until they kicked me out. (BTW Y/n didn't know Ranboo, Tubbbo or Tommy when she was in L'manburg since she never saw them.) I did kind of feel betrayed for what L'manburg did.. but I knew they did it for a good reason.. kind of. Then again I'd also be out of this disgusting room, with actual food to eat and be outside again.
"I know what happend to you in L'manburg." He snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked back up to him surprised.
"I know how you were treated pretty badly by your fellow people there. And how you shot two of them with two poison arrows." He continued.
"They hurt me first!" I defended myself.
"They hit me with an axe! Once in the shoulder and once in the leg! They deserved to be hit with those arrows." I finished.
"I'm not saying what you did was wrong.. but you could have a shot of having some revenge..." He smirked. As he let me go off of the wall he backed up a bit letting my catch my breathe. I let out a big sigh as I realised I held my breathe the entire time he pushed me against the wall. I closed my eyes foe a pure second and when I opened them again he was standing right in front of me. His body inches away from mine. As I looked up to see his eyes looking down at me, I thought I saw his eyes start to kind of, glow. Or flash a bright light at least. He put his hand under my chin like Snapnap did leaning down.
"Do we have a deal?" He smirked as he stepped back again holding his hand out.
"If you agree, just try not to kill any of my friends at least. Which is everyone here." He still kept a smile on his face as I hesitated. Rethinking what happend on that same day I was banned from L'manburg..


I was walking down a path to go into the forest to get some materials to build something new in the L'manburg walls. Until 2 boys and 1 girl walked in front of me.
"Hello? Can I help you..?" I asked the 3.
"Yeah, actually you can." The girl responded. I looked at them confused on what they were gonna offer.
"We want you to go into that forest and never return.." One of the boy's said with the most hidious smirk on his face.
"What?? I'm sorry but I can't do that.." I politely replied.
"Oh sure you can! C'monnn you've been out there.. for like what?... 2-3 days on your own? What if you went out there by yourself.. forever?" The second boy suggested as he walked towards me putting his arm around my neck leading me to the open forest just a bit far down the path.
"But i-"
""But i-" come on! Are you like.. scared? No one here likes you anyway. You may as well just disappear at this point." The girl mocked interrupting me completely. I was starting to get annoyed at them. The boy who put his arm around my neck then pushed me forward onto the ground where the other boy walked over grabbing onto my arm and pulling me up. I was so confused on what was happening, but whatever was happening wasn't gonna be good.. He got behind me and pulled out his axe cutting it deep into my legs so I would fall onto the ground. I screamed in pain as tears fell from my eyes, he pulled me up by my hair holding me in one place on the ground. I yelled at them to go away as the pain got worse.
"This is what happens when you don't listen to us." The boy in front of me said as the boy behind me laughed. He pulled the axe out of my leg and shoved it into my right shoulder as I screamed in pain more tears coming down from my eyes. The girl watched in horror not expecting the boys to do this. She ran off quickly so she wouldn't get in trouble. What a bitch. Blood poured out of my leg and shoulder as he pulled out the axe holding it up to strike my head next.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, getting enough strength to kick my uninjured leg to knock the boy in front of me down as he dropped the axe. I grabbed the boys wrists from behind and threw him above over my head, making him let go of my hair. He landed on his friend as I stood up bleeding. With all the strength I has left I pulled out two of my arrows putting poison on the tip of the sharp bits. I took a few steps back before shooting both arrows into the hearts of them both. I saw everyone running towards me as I collapsed onto the ground almost dying from blood loss.

(1253 words ^^ but now they're 1260 words.)

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