Part 15

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"Ranboo,.wait..!" I said as he turned to look at me.
"Can.. can we sleep in the same house tonight..?" I asked.

Ranboo's POV:

As I stood there, speachless I looked at her in shock. Did I hear that right..? I thought to myself. I looked down to the ground and moved away from the door a bit.
"...Uhm, s-sure.." I whispered putting my right hand on the back of my neck nervously. I wasn't brave enough to look at her, so I just stared out the window.

Y/n's POV:

As I shot my head up towards him, from his response I felt a small smile appear on my face. As I kept looking at him, I noticed a light purple blush appearing under his eyes, on his cheeks a bit on the tip of his pointy ears. A little smile on his face. My small smile turned into a bigger one, as I also noticed his tail swinging side-to-side. I'm assuming he was happy!
"I already have an extra bed, come on!" I said to break the silence. I walked over placing the bed down, one block apart from the other. As I  stood up straight, walking over to the other bed. I sat down looking up at Ranboo who was already sitting down as well. Preparing to lay down on his bed. He didn't look, as happy as before though..
"Is.. something wrong?" I asked. He perked his head up to look at me.
"Oh! Yeah everything's fine. I'm just a bit worried for tomorrow!" He chuckles. Although I knew that wasn't the case.. I didn't wish to be all up in his business though, so I just shook it off. I laid down, turning around facing the wall with my back turned to him and the blanket over me. I then eventually drifted off to sleep.

~ First time skip through the night ~

When I woke up, I felt unusually warm.. As I fluttered my eyes open, only to meet a white shirt in front of my face. I slowly moved my head up only to see a black and white neck with a perfect strip down the middle separating the two colours. I then realised why I was so warm.. I felt myself blush like crazy... I tried to move backwards but a long arm from behind me only caused me to be pulled closer. I kind of, didn't want to move.. I just wanted to stay like this a little longer... until I heard him groan, it spooked me a bit, without knowing what to do, I just acted as if I was still asleep.

Ranboo's POV:

As I woke up from my deep, sleep groaning I realised a small body was very close to mine. I blinked a couple times before taking in the brightness and everything around me. I looked down, only to see Y/n peacefully sleeping with her face buried into my chest. I felt my face light up with purple blush and my tail swinging like crazy.. what was I doing?! I slowly moved her away, trying to not wake her. After I did that, I stood up putting my jacket back on. I walked out of the house inhaling the fresh air, taking deep breathes.
"Mornin' sleepy head." A voice called out from a house beside me. I looked over to see Wilbur.
"Morning!" I replied not wanting to sound rude for not saying it back.
"How'd you sleep?" A smirk appeared on his face as he leaned against his, house eating a big red apple. I lightly chuckled before responding, scratching the back of my neck nervously before remembering what happened just before. The same amount of blush as before appeared on my face, making my tail swing side-to-side again. I heard Wilbur laughing beside me as I kept blushing like mad.
"We're leaving in 10 minutes, so wake yourself up, and get Y/n up." Wilbur said returning to his usual serious self.
"Okay.." I said as he walked back into his house packing his stuff. I went back inside to see Y/n already up, and sitting on the side of the bed.
"Oh! Your already up." I exclaimed.
"Well, yeah? You didn't expect me to stay asleep forever, did ya'?" She asked.
"...well no-" I was cut off by her getting up and walking over towards me.
"If I did, then I'd need a charming prince to wake me up, with a magical, kiss~" She said putting both her hands on my chest as a flirty, but joking manner. I blushed like crazy again, I opened my mouth but no words were said. She laughed like madness as I stood there still blushing like an idiot.. she then patted the side of my shoulder before going outside.

Y/n's POV:

Omg! I'm such an idiottt!! Why did I say those and do that!! I thought. I sighed as I walked outside looking around the beautiful village taking in the fresh air. A few moments later, Wilbur came out of his humble, home.
"Ready to leave?" He asked.
"Leave?! Already?" I questioned with a shocked expression.
"I was joking, relax." He continued chuckling. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner. I went back inside the house and helped Ranboo pack up our stuff.
"Got everything?" Ranboo asked me, as I went to walk outside.
"Yep! You?" I asked, turning to him as he packed up the last few things in his bag.
"Yep! Tell Wilbur we're ready to go now." He said as he made sure we got everything putting his bag on. I nodded walking outside.
"Wilbur! We're ready to get a move on!" I called out seeing him next to two horses.
"Traveling on foot will take too long. And it'll be tiring. So pick the horse you like. Unfortunately the villagers only had two." He said giving one of the horses an apple. There was one horse with dark brown fur and a light blonde mane/tail with light blue eyes. The other though, was a black horse with white spots all over. It also had a black mane but white tail. Reminding me of Ranboo. Lastly, it had yellow eyes to finish off her majestic look.
"I'll take the black n' white one!" I said with a bright smile.
"I figured you would." I heard Wilbur whisper under his breathe.
"I heard that!" I said. He just smiled at me.
"It seems I'm taking this horse then. You and Ranboo can ride together. I'm riding alone, I don't want anyone sitting behind me if I choose to make the horses run." Wilbur reassured. Of course he said that. He's very lonely, then again even if I chose to ride with him, he'd probably kick me off the horse the second I or Ranboo got on. As I loaded my stuff into one bag on one side of the horse Wilbur did the same with his. Ranboo came out realising he was riding with me on the black n' white horse. He didn't seem too minded by it anyway.. he then loaded his stuff into the other bag on the other side of our horse. I got on first, as Ranboo got on behind me. Wilbur was already on his horse waiting for us.
"We ready?" He asked the two of us.
"Yep!" I was in front since I wanted to drive the horse first.
"Alright, follow me. But stay close and don't run ahead!" He continues.

(If you guys want, in the comments you can all decide on a name for both the horses! The black n' white horse is a female, but the dark brown horse is a male!)

As we trotted the horses through another forest we went slowly, and it was mostly calming. Just listening to the sound of birds, the wind.. the leafs blowing against the trees making a ruffled noise, and the sound of the horses hooves against the ground. It was.. rather peaceful. I kinda' liked it too...

(1339 words, not so bad 😌 although now it'll be 1392! Also get some sleep y'all. I worry! 😨😴 even if it's not night for some of u. Still go to bed early and don't stay up like me- it's bad 🥲)

You and I until the end.. Ranboo X Reader (COMPLETE/FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now