Part 25

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"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise.. so I'll just show you! Open your eyes!!" I excitedly continued. Tommy and Ranboo stood aside both knowing what's about to happen, here..

Ranboo's POV:

As Y/n held a little baby, bee in her hands carefully, she told Tubbo to uncover his hands from his eyes and open them. As his eyes opened slowly, the first thing he saw was a little tiny bee. His eyes litterly sparkled as he jumped with excitement.
"OH MY GODDD!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! ITS A BABY BEEEEE! THANK YOU Y/N! OHH, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUU!!!!" He screamed almost making everyone go deaf. Luckily it didn't harm the tiny bee still floating in Y/n's hands. We all chuckled as Tubbo held his hands out.
"Okay, be patient and careful. Okay Tubbo?" She asked before giving him the bee.
"Yes! I promise. If anything hurts this bee I would die for it!" He said confidently and proud. Y/n smiled, as she put the bee in Tubbo's hands.
"What are you gonna name him?" Y/n asked looking at Tubbo who was staring at the bee intensely with cuteness.
"Since, you found him.. how about you name him, Y/n?" Tubbo asked looking up at her.

(Decide on the tiny bee's name in the comments, please guys! Which ever one gets the most votes I'll pick it 💗)

As the sun started to set again, we all went to our separate homes. Y/n came back with me just for the night, since I told her I was doing something busy in the morning. The others and I were planning on a house we were planning on building in the morning. Of course Y/n didn't know though.. Phil, Tubbk Tommy Techno me and a bunch of others want it to be a surprise for her.
"I'll sleep on the couch, if you want me too. You can sleep upstairs in my bed!" I suggested as we entered my house, with it now being clean than what it was a couple days ago when the.. incident happend.
"Oh, no it's okay! Your too tall for the couch anyway. You'll need something way more comfy." She replied chuckling behind me.
I just want you to be safe.. I don't want to hurt you again... I thought deep in my mind. I felt a hand touch my shoulder as I flinched a bit backwards looking down to see Y/n standing there confused.
"Are you, okay Ranboo..?" She asked now worried.
"I'm sorry, I'm fine just lost in my thoughts.." I responded with a small smile. She hesitated for a second before returning a small smile as well.
"Well, goodnight Ranboo!" She said with another soft smile before walking over to the couch and sitting down.
"Yeah, uhm.. goodnight..." I responded before walking up the stairs, out of her sight. Once I knew she couldn't see me I leaned against a wall catching my breathe and holding my chest, sqeezing where my heart was with my left hand.
"Why do I feel this way..? And does she feel the same about me?" I whispered not wanting her to hear me. I walked into my room pacing back n' fourth countless times roaming around in my head with a million thoughts.

Do I actually like her?
Does she like me..?
Why does this need to happen to me!
Do I confess to her soon? What about later.. or maybe, never.
What am I gonna do?!
What if I embarrass myself?
What if she doesn't actually like me..
What if all this is just an act..

The last thought caught me off guard. No, no no no no.. she wouldn't do that to me.. would she? I mean, I don't know her well enough.. I thought again, getting more overwhelmed and stressed. I heard things crashing downstairs along with a scream. A scream that sounded a bit like..
"Y/N!" I shouted. I raced out of my room, running down the stairs as quickly as possible.. I wanted her to be safe she has to be..

Y/n's POV:

"Well, goodnight, Ranboo!" I continued with a soft smile. I then walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Yeah, uhm.. goodnight..." He responded before walking up the stairs quite, quickly.
"Did I do something..?" I whispered to myself my 'smile' fading. I laid down and curled up into a ball, thinking about everything we did together, re-thinking all our moments trying to see if I could re-call anything I might have done or said to upset him. I heard a something hit the window interrupting me in my thoughts. I stood to my feet slowly moving to the window. I looked outside seeing, nothing in sight. I slightly opened the window and took a peek outside. I looked left n' right not seeing anything that could've hit the window. Just the cold wind blowing in my face making my hair go, left right n' center. I shrugged and closed the window.
"Must've just been a bird." I said confirming my asnwer, to the thing that hit the window in the first place.
"You're wrong.." a familiar voice spoke out from behind. I turned around seeing nothing but darkness, since I turned off the lights.. it was just darkness. But I knew it was from the tone and anger in his voice.
"What do you, want Dream." I growled.
"Nothing.. it's just, we had a deal." He snapped back walking out from the shadows towards me slowly with his diamond axe.
"Dream, listen that was before I knew Ranboo and all that lived here." I replied trying to stand my ground. As he walked closer his mask covering his face and his hoodie over his head also covering his hair.
"Even, if they weren't here or you didn't meet them.. you'd still help me destory it. Wouldn't you?" He asked with a bit of sas, in his tone as he kept coming at me. I stepped back coming in tact with the table I was against when Ranboo went crazy. I put my hands on the table looking around any weapon in sight.
"Would you?" He asked again, now getting more closer than before.
"I-I.." I didn't know how to respond. All my words stuttered each time I tried to speak. Would I..? Would I help destory L'manburg if I had never met Ranboo, or the others?? Would I also, destory L'manburg still even if they didn't live here? I don't know.. I thought my words still being nothing but small mumbles, messing up my words.
"I-I don't know.." I whispered clearly not knowing the asnwer.
"You do know. So asnwer." He demanded sounding more annoyed than before. I kept my hands on the table as I gripped onto it as tight as I could not seeing a weapon anywhere.. they Must've all been upstairs in chests. Damn it, Ranboo.. if I survive tonight we are putting weapons downstairs from now on. I thought to myself before Dream snapped me out of my thoughts, by swinging his axe up meeting my throat.
"Give me one reason, I shouldn't kill you right now." He continued. I sighed before leaning back more into the table so the axe isn't touching my throat.
"All I can say is.. Fuck you." I spat back. Surely he'd try to kill me now. He chuckled before moving the axe down. He then put one of his hands down beside mine leaning closer to me before whispering something in my ear.
"For a girl like you.. you have a lot of fight in you, still. Your brave. Join us again, and we won't kill any of your friends." He said confidently. I knew he was smiling under his stupid mask. I gritted my teeth, before he stood back up straight.
"Over my hot, dead body bitch!" I yelled before grabbing a flower vase that was empty next to me and smashing it into his head, making him fall into the ground in pain. Without thinking I screamed as loudly as I could. As he started to get up I quickly kicked him back down before running towards the stairs only to bump into a worried Ranboo
"Y/N!" He, said before noticing Dream. Ranboo got out his sword and shield before pushing me behind him.
"Dream." He said firmly glaring at Dream as he stood to his feet.
"You are really getting on my nerves, now 'princess'." Dream said ignoring Ranboo completely.
"Don't, call her that." Ranboo growled getting annoyed.
"Awh.. is little Ranboo, jealous??" Dream said annoying Ranboo even more.
I grabbed Ranboo arm looking up at him as he looked back down at me. I shook my head trying to signal, that if he fought against Dream he'd loose anyway since Dream was way stronger than Ranboo anyway. Although Ranboo was just taller. Ranboo sighed before looking back at Dream softening his position up.
"Leave." Ranboo demanded to Dream.
"Awh, why so angry? I just arri-"
"Get out!" Ranboo shouted cutting Dream off. Ranboo glared at Dream as he put his hands up in defeat and walked out like nothing happened.

(1542, not bad ig.. I still could've done better 😭 But again, Gn y'all it's currently 10:00 for me and it just turned dark sooo, I need sleep for tomorrow's school but ima post one more part before heading off to bed! I'll make some more parts tomorrow night! 1597 now. Goodnight everyone! 💗)

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