Part 20

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He looked over to George and Snapnap who were both knocked out, then at us again.

Again, Still Y/n's POV:

Your choice, Dream. Leave us be.. or be like them, and let the lava devour you. He glared at me before sighing.
"This is not over. So don't get ahead of yourself, Miss Y/n." Dream scoffed. He walked away grabbing both Snapnap and George before throwing an enderpearl with them both in different arms. As he was about to be teloported away, he looked back at me and.. smiled. God he annoys me. Then he teloported away to who knows where.. I looked back at Ranboo, then at Wilbur who was on the horse still injured, but the healing potion was keeping him alive at least.
"Let's go before we get devoured by this lava, shall we?" I continued chuckling. Ranboo nodded as he got on the horse, with Wilbur behind him.
"What do we do? The horse can't carry 3 people.." Ranboo realised, as he looked down at me holding onto the reins.
"I'll figure somethin' out. Don't worry." I smiled as he had a little smile on his face. He put his gaze back forward in front of him, and made the horse move forward towards the pit of lava. He then started to make it speed up making sure Wilbur wouldn't fall off for their big jump. As I watched the horse jump a huge leap to the other side, they made it safely.. thank God. He turned the horse around looking back at me.
"You comin'?" He yelled.
"Yeah, I will! Just go ahead a bit.. I'll catch up." I shouted back. He nodded before turning the horse back around making it move slowly into the forest. I walked over to the horse that Dream threw his axe at.
"Oh.. you poor thing..." I whispered. I closed my eyes as I placed a hand over the horses, body with a frown on my face. I then heard a sudden' noise of a horse.. BREATHING? I shot my eyes open to see the axe now somehow laying on the ground next to the horse, with him now sitting up sideways. He looked at me confused and I looked back confused too.
"Wha- how did.. what..?" I asked. I moved a bit to the side checking the deep cut the axe made on his chest seeing it was completely gone, no blood no injuries no nothing.. I looked at the axe that had no trace of blood on the sharp tip anymore.
"How the fuck..?" I whispered to myself once again. I looked back up to the horses face as he stood up perfectly fine showing he wasn't hurt in any way anymore. I picked myself up off my feet as I placed a hand on his forehead, slowly pacing my hand up and down his face.
"I don't know what I did.. but I mean, at least you're alive..?" I chuckled as I spoke to the horse. Of course I didn't expect him to talk back, he was a horse. They didn't know the human languages, such as English. I walked beside it hopping onto his back holding onto the reins that were still attached to the saddle he was still wearing.
"YAH!" I yelled, and soon as I did he bolted forward making me almost fall off. But luckily I was holding the reins so tightly I managed to keep myself balanced, on his back. As he ran closer to the edge of the pit, where the lava was just below he jumped so high I almost left his back from flying off, now that was scary-.
When we landed I came crashing back down onto his saddle as he kept running.
"OH- OKAY.. CALM DOWN BUDDY!-" I yelled, we were already coming up close to Ranboo and Wilbur. As Ranboo slightly turned his head back he just saw a dark brown horse bolting past, with me on it..
"HI GUYS!" I screamed as we ran past. Ranboo looked at us confused looking back n' fourth twice.
"COME ON!" I shouted in the distance. I saw as Ranboo made the horse he and Wilbur were on speed up as well. As they finally caught up, to us we decided to slow the horses down so they could catch their breathes. We made sure they were both walking side-by-side.
"How is he alive?! We litterly saw him get cut with a diamond axe, by Dream!!" Ranboo said with his eyes wide.
"Thats what I thought!! But when I walked over I leaned down and put my right hand on him, closed my eyes and all the sudden' he's breathing! The axe was out of his chest he had no cuts or bruises and acted like nothing happend! I don't know what happend!!" I explained just as confused as Ranboo was. Wilbur was asleep so he had no idea on what was happening.. when he sleeps it's like he's in sleeping beauty and no one can wake him up from his deep sleep. Who knew what he was dreaming of, in that deep ass sleep..
"I recognise these parts of the forest.. we're close to L'manburg!" Ranboo said excitedly.
"Yeah..! That's, great.." I said trying to also sound excited too. I wasn't.. I didn't wanna see L'manburg after what they did to me.. I promised myself I'd never go back there, I guess I had no other choice. What am I saying? I'm doing this for my friends! My real friends.
As we got closer we saw the L'manburg walls, I looked over to Ranboo who was almost jumping off the horse from excitement, he acts like a little kid, yet he's technically almost a grown-up. A.. young adult I'd put him as. I lightly smiled at his childish act before returning my gaze to L'manburg. We entered as I kept my head down, but from the sides of my eyes I saw some of it. Its changed a lot since I was last here, since the incident happend 19 years ago.
"It's, Ranboo and Wilbur!!" Someone called out getting others attention.
"Whose that, girl with them?" Another person asked.
"Ranboo!! Your back!" A girl with light pink hair said running up to his horse making us stop.
"It feels so good to be back as well, Niki.." Ranboo said as he made a goofy smile.
"Is Tommy and, Tubbo here?" He asked still worried for his friends.
"Yeah, they're here just resting though!" She said again. Her voice was very calming and smoothing.. but hearing those two names made me sick.
"Whose she?" The "Niki" girl asked looking over at me.
"I-I'm, Y/n.." I quietly responded getting off Wilbur's horse keeping my head down. Out of no where I felt two arms wrap around both my shoulders into a tight hug, my eyes widened once again.
"It's good to see you healthy and well as well, then!" The Niki girl said as she kept me in a tight hug. I smiled as I hugged her back, seeing Ranboo grin behind her as he got off his horse. Eventually we got Wilbur off the horse too and another girl came along named 'Captain Puffy' took Wilbur to help him. I stayed behind with Ranboo meeting everyone. They all seemed so nice, and very welcoming.. Why would Dream and the other men want to destory this place..?

(1238 babyyyyyy, not bad but also not good kinda' 😭 I'm also sorry I'm making the parts, very slowly- I'm tryna' not be the person who leaves a part and doesn't make the other- that made no sense to me.. But all I can say is I'm sorry 😭😭 Please don't hate me for it- I also don't re-read anything sooo please ignore any spelling mistakes or parts that don't make sense.. 😅 Ilyasm for reading this too btw! "Ilyasm" = "I love you all so much" for those who didn't understand btw! ♥️ 1341 now get some sleep y'all! Gnn! 😘)

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