Part 4

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I then packed up my things, walking back to my cabin with the dead fish I had caught.

Still Y/n's POV:

As I walked back to my cabin I could smell smoke nearby. I walked a bit further seeing my cabin on fire. I dropped my things to the floor and fell to my knees.
"....m-my house.." My mouth fell open I'm disbelief. I noticed the same man on top of my burning house with his mask up a bit, so I could see him smiling.
"YOU-" Before I could finish he laughed like a psycho and teloported away. I realised something special of mine was still in there, and without thinking or hesitation I ran inside bursting the door down. I kept coughing as I ran upstairs into my room opening my draws trying to find what I most desire. I eventually find it in a little draw next to my bed. The roof began to fall as the door gets blocked off by some of the rood falling. I sit down in the corner of the room thinking this is where I die... where it all ends...

Ranboo's POV: 

I heard everyone running and yelling to a specific spot. So I followed them to where the forest where, Y/n's cabin was, was on fire. Some were trying to stop the fire from spreading, as Tommy and Tubbo stood next to me on either side.
"...Isn't that where Y/n lives..?" Tommy asks. Then it hit me..
"Y/N!" I shouted as I sprinted into the forest with Tubbo and Tommy after me. I heard they're voices fade behind me as I kept running with fire all around. All I could think about was Y/n and her safety... Was she dead..? Did she make it out alive? Is she okay? Is she hurt?? A million thoughts ran through my head as I approached her burning cabin. I ran inside as fast as I could.
"Y/N!!" I called out from downstairs coughing.
"Ranboo..?? ranboo...." I heard a voice call from upstairs.
"Y/n!" I yelled as I made my way upstairs seeing a big wooden' log on fire blocking the door. With all my might I kicked it out of the way getting  through the door and seeing her in the corner of the room.
"Y/N!!!" I shouted as I ran over to her.
"....ranboo..?" Her voice sounded weak as she kept coughing.
"Don't worry! I'll get us out of here..! Just hang tight! Keep your eyes open!" I continued as I got up grabbing something random and throwing it towards the window smashing it. Glass fell everywhere as I picked up Y/n holding her tightly in my arms.
"Hold on tight!" I reminded her, as she did so. I got down out of the window and slowly make my way down as Tommy and Tubbo arrived seeing the burning cabin and us on the side of it.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo shouted as he ran over.
"Ranboo! Give her to us!" I did as I was told slowly and carefully giving Y/n to Tubbo and Tommy. I jumped the rest down and I took Y/n back into my arms.
"What do we do now?! Everything's burning!!" Tommy yelled.
"Follow me!" I said. We ran towards the cliff we met Y/n on when I saved her the first time. We then stopped at the edge seeing a big lake below, but it was a bit of a drop.
"You don't think.." Tommy continues.
"We have too!" I replied.
"But Ranboo.. You'll hurt yourself!" Tubbo responded. I looked at him and smiled.
"Beggers can't be choosers." Tubbo and Tommy had a worried look on their faces as I counted down.
"1." I was cut off from a voice behind us. We turned around to see Dream.
"Dream you bustard! Did you start all this?!" Tommy yells.
"In fact I did. I'm surprised you actually got something right for once, Tommy. But I'll need Y/n." He replies. Tommy growls at him as he holds his sword out pointing at Y/n.
"over my dead body." I responded.
"Okay." He lit some TNT and threw it at us. Before teleporting away.
"JUMP!!" Tubbo shouted. We Tommy and Tubbo jumped but since I had Y/n in my arms I didn't quite get to jump yet since I was making sure she was holding on tightly. As the TNT slizzled it exploded knocking both Y/n and I off completely. She slipped from my grip and we fell down off the cliff. As we were I tried to grap onto her but couldn't since she was just out of my reach. When I looked down I saw the water was coming very quickly as I panicked still trying to grab, Y/n.
"Y/N!!" I saw she finally opened her eyes and realised she was falling before noticing me. I held my hand out and as she took it she went to say my name.
"RANB-!" But before she finished we splashed into the water it felt like acid was on my skin as it started to burn immediately. Y/n dragged me to shore quickly as my skin burned in pain. Tommy and Tubbo already waiting for us. I laid down on the ground coughing.

Y/ns POV:

Oh no, oh no oh no oh no! Enderman hate water!! And Ranboos covered in it!
"Ranboo?! Are you okay?? Are you crazy!? Why would you do that for me!" I asked, looking over him worried as hell. Tubbo and Tommy tried to dry him off as best as they could.
"...I just wanted to protect you.." He responds in a weak tone.
"By doing this? Are you out of your mind?!" I questioned. His skin kept burning badly as I felt guilty for letting this happen. If I didn't go in there he wouldn't of came in to help me.. none of this would've happend if I didn't do that stupid move...
I couldn't get the guilt out of me as I sat by him, with Tubbo drying the rest of Ranboo's hair off. Ranboo reached over and took my hand in his. I felt him shaking.. he was scared just as much as I was... without hesitation I put his hand up to my cheek and held both my hands on his. I was a bit flustered but I didn't care. His safety was everything to me at the moment.. I didn't care about anything else but him.

(1097, not so bad. But now it's 1106 words!)

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