Part 23

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"W-What..? But you-"
"Go. Now, Tubbo! Please!" I yelled not letting him asnwer.

As I watched Tubbo sigh, he ran out downstairs out to Tommy. I slowly stood up to my feet in a lot of, pain with a lot of cuts, on my arms/legs. I slowly made my way down the stairs and outside, to where the old Ranboo told me where Phil lived. I walked up his porch knocking onto his door weakly.
"P-Phil.." I said in a weak tone. Luckily he was home, and answered.
"Yes-" Before he finished I felt myself collapse with everything turning pitch black..

Philza's POV:

As I was talking to a certain someone, I heard a very quiet knock on my door. Who could be knocking at this time? I thought to myself, I shrugged it off walking over to my door.
"Yes-" Before I finished, I saw Y/n collapse to the ground but not before I caught her just in time. I went into shock seeing cuts, and bruises all over her arms, and legs.
"What the- ??????????? GET THE HEALING POTIONS, QUICKLY!" I yelled out. Lifting up Y/n and bringing her over to the couch sitting her down carefully. He came racing in handing me a healing potion, as I opened her mouth slowly.
"Quick, hold her head up for me." I said quickly. He did as I told him too and he put his hand on the back of Y/n's head lifting it up a bit. I undid the lit of the healing potion, pouring the liquid into her mouth carefully. I made sure she drank it, but also making sure she didn't choke on any of it.
"Will she be okay..?" He asked worried. I've never seen him so worried for someone before.. but it being Y/n I understand that. He carefully and slowly placed her head down on a pillow he grabbed for her.
"She'll be okay.. we just need to wait for her to wake up now." I replied with a smile on my face. He sighed of relief quietly as we sat down and walked for a while. Eventually he left to go back home, so I was left with Y/n still unconscious.
"What, could have caused this..?" I quietly asked myself looking over at her. Hours passed, yet she still wasn't awake.. Until 3 hours passed, I was getting back from getting supplies for more potions when I entered my home, I saw her sitting up.
"Y/n! Your finally awake!" I said smiling as she looked over at me confused.
"Wha..? What happend?" She asked in a weak tone.

Y/n's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open slowly, looking at my surroundings. Where was I..? I thought. I sat up on a couch leaninh my forehead into my hand, before a voice said something behind me.
"Y/n! Your finally awake!" I turned my head slightly around only to see Phil, standing there with herbs, and some other stuff or potions I think..
"Wha..? What happend?" I asked in a very weak tone. He put his stuff down on a table next to the door, closing it. He then walked over sitting down on a chair next to the couch.
"Thats what I wanted to ask you.." He responded looking at me. It took me a moment to remember everything that, happend with Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy.. I groaned as I moved my legs down by the side of the couch.
"Whoa! Take it easy.." Phil said holding his hand out just in case I fell off the couch somehow.
"How did I... get here?" I asked.
"You don't remember? You showed up at my door, But when I answered it, you just collapsed with cuts and bruises all over you.." He replied. His words made my eyes widen. I felt tears fill my eyes as I closed them. I heard him get up and sit next to me, holding me into an embrace.
"What, happend to you..?" He asked very concerned for me.
"W-Well.." I paused before telling him everything, that happend with me Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo. He sighed knowing exactly what I was talking about now.
"Listen Y/n.." He said quietly as he looked down at me. He wrapped one of his wings around me keeping me warm since it was now night.
"I'm pretty sure, Ranboo hasn't told you but.. he has a habit of.... Enderwalking." He continues. I looked at him confused out of my mind.
"Enderwalking? That sounds a bit like sleepwalking." I replied.
"It is.." He said with a worried expression. He then, told me that Ranboo has a habit of enderwalking (sleepwalking) but when he does, his eyes turn bright purple with a white mist covering most of the glow of them, he also said that Ranboo will technically be like a sleeping zombie. Not being able to control his body, since his technically asleep but still awake. Like something different takes over him.. making him do strange things, such as wonder off somewhere then waking up in a completely different biome, or stealing even. He said he once caught Ranboo almost killing someone, too.. I looked at him frightened.
"B-But Ranboo's too kind.. he'd never kill anyone.." I said as my words trembled.
"Like I said, Y/n.. When Ranboo enderwalks.. do not go near him. Bad things always happen." He continues.
"How does he wake up then..?" I asked wanting to know very badly.
"He has to wake up on his own. No one's ever tried to wake him up by themselves." He said as he stood up, unwrapping his wing from around me curling back in with the other.
"You can stay here for tonight, since it's too cold outside.. there's also a blizzard so there's a high chance you won't really make it anywhere." He continued holding his hand out for me to take. I took his warm hand in mine, as he helped me to my feet.
"I gave you a healing potion, to heal your cuts and bruises. But I never asked, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"I feel a lot better now.." I replied with a small smile. He returned the smile as he let me have a spare room in his house. We both went to sleep and when morning came, Phil made me breakfast and I soon left his house going up to a hill, with a big flower field around it with a tree on top of the hill.
"This is definitely, my peaceful spot." I spoke breathing the fresh air. I sat down watching the bee's and  butterflies around the flowers. When I heard a very familiar voice behind me.
"...Y/n..?" A quiet, but raspy voice said.
I got up to my feet turning around to see Ranboo, with a very guilty face.
"Y/n.. I-I... I'm sorry for what I did yesterday.." He quietly continued looking down to the ground. As he took a few steps towards me I moved back a bit.
"Y/n.. I'm very sor-"
"S-Stay back! Please..." I shouted holding my arms up to my chest, taking more steps back. He stopped in his tracks when I interrupted him. He knew I was scared of him now..

(1223. Wow- I'm very lazy ;-; 1234 now but oh well. GN.)

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