Part 14

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Why does he need to walk so fast? It's not like we're racing or anything.
I thought again.

Still Y/n's POV:

"Where are we going?" I asked as Wilbur led the way with Ranboo beside me.
"Don't ask questions. We'll be there soon enough anyway." Wilbur replied.
"Okay... but when we get there I will ask where we are y'know. So it's better if you just tell us now it's so out of the wa-" He quickly turned around again glaring down at me with an annoyed expression. Ranboo and I stopped as we both looked at him.
"like I said. We'll be there eventually, don't ask questions." He continued.
Definitely bossy. I once again thought. As we kept walking for what felt like miles, we reached came out to a huge field, full of animals, flowers some trees and many hills.
"Wow.." I whispered my eyes lighting up with joy. I stepped forward a few more steps in front of Wilbur and Ranboo.
"It's magnificent!" I exclaimed.

Wilbur's POV:

As the strange girl looked amazed at the sight of all this, I looked over at Ranboo with a confused look. He just smiled and shrugged. I looked back at the girl and sighed.
"Come on. We don't have all day for you to be amazed by all this." I spoke up walking ahead again. As the three of us walked through the field the girl couldn't take her eyes off everything. Every second she was looking at something different. At this point I just figured she's lost her mind. We eventually made our way into another forest and came to a huge, cliff side.
"What now? I'm not climbing that." She said. I looked at her annoyed again. God she's picky.
"Here." I responded giving them both 1 enderpearl.
"Theow it right. If you miss, your finding your way back." I said throwing the enderpearl up high onto the cliff. Seconds after I was teloported onto the cliff. I turned around looking down at the two.
"You guys, comin' or what? We don't have all day." I shouted.
"We're comin'! Just give us a second!" Ranboo shouted back.
"Just hurry up!" I yelled. Ranboo then threw his up teleporting next to me.
He looked down towards the girl, who we were both now waiting for.
"Come on, Y/n! Just throw it up!" Ranboo yelled looking at her.
"Can you tell her to hurry up? It's almost night." I said, looking over to Ranboo.
"Yeah, yeah she's coming just uhh.. b-be patient real quick.." He continued. I rolled my eyes as I looked over the forest we came out of, looking over the field we were in just a few minutes ago. As I spotted two figures coke out from the other side of the forest on the other side of the field. I took one step closer to the side of the cliff, little rocks falling down beneath my foot. As I squinted my eyes to try to get a better look I saw, Snapnap and George.
"Oh shit.. we need to get a move on, now!" I shouted. I looked down at Ranboo who looked up to see Snapnap and George as well in the distance. I watched as his eyes opened wide and he looked back down calling out to this 'Y/n' girl.
"Y/N! HURRY!" He yelled.
"Okay! Okay.. I'm coming!" She shouted back finally throwing the enderpearl up. It landed a few feet behind the both of us, with her teleporting right where it landed.
"Quick! Let's go!" I said running past her.
"Wait for us!" I heard her yell from behind. As the three of us ran through another forest into a clearing I saw a village up ahead.
"Quick! To that village!" I yelled as I kept running in front of them.
"Why are we running!?" She asked.
"We'll tell you when we get there!" I shouted back.

Y/n's POV:

As we made it into the village, Ranboo and I followed Wilbur into a small house a bit into the village amongst the villagers. As Wilbur closed the door after Ranboo ran in we all caught our breathes.
"Now what's all this running about now?" I asked wanting mu answers I deserved.
"Ugh! Fine. Since your so inpatient, we'll tell you." Wilbur snapped back.
"Oh? I'm impatient now?? Your the one who yelled at me and Ranboo to throw those stupid enderpearls!" I shouted pointing at Wilbur.
"Well you wouldn't climb the damn thing, since you were being so picky!" He shouts back.
"Yeah well when you were up there, it's called waiting! I've never had to use a single enderpearl in my entire life!" I replied.
"Thats not my fault! All you need to do is throw it! Didn't your parents ever teach you?!" He yells back leaning over me. I, then snapped a bit loosing my temper.
"I NEVER GREW UP WITH PARENTS!" I screamed back to him, interrupting Ranboo. We all fell silent as I looked at Wilbur, trying to resist the tears trying to escape my eyes. Wilbur looked down to the side ashamed. I took a few steps back as I kept quiet. I looked back to Ranboo who was holding out his arms for a hug. I walked up into his arms as he laid his head on top of mine, allowing me to cry into his shirt. Wet tears soaking into his black suit.
"It's, okay Y/n. Just breathe.." He whispered running his fingers through my hair. Lucky my hair wasn't notty at the time. That would've been embarrassing... Our wholesome moment didn't last long, when we heard Snapnap's voice.
"Hide..!" Wilbur whispered. We all hid' in some place of the house not making a sound as we heard the door open.
"See anyone, George?" We heard Snapnap call from outside.
"Nope. They must've gone a bit further from here." We heard George speak up.
What were they doing here?? I thought. As the door shut again I stood up as Ranboo tried to stop, me.
"Y/n..! Stop-!" He whispered as he tried to grab my arm. Wilbur looked at us confused trying to stop me as well. I was holding my hand out, towards the door's nob before I felt myself being yanked back onto someone else behind me. We fall backwards onto the ground as they put their cold hand around my mouth preventing me from making a noise. As I tried to get back up they held their other arm around my arms so I was kept on the ground, unable to move. When we heard George and Snapnap leave the village and everything went back to normal, the boy behind me let me go. As I turned around to see who it was still sitting on him. I saw the one and only.. Ranboo. He looked at me worried but with a light smile. When I looked ahead I was being forced up to my feet by another pare of strong arms.
"What the fuck was that?!" Wilbur yelled in front of me, holding me in his grip my by arms.
"I-I don't know! I.. I was lost in my thoughts! I didn't know what I was doing!" I tried to explain.
"All I hear, is shit! You almost got us all caught! Are you insane!?" He continued. I felt another set of arms yank me back, falling into their chest as they held me away from Wilbur.
"She didn't mean too, Wilbur.." Ranboo's soft voice helped us calm down a bit.
"Whatever. Since they thought we went further out of the village a bit, we'll stay here for the night." Wilbur, said.
"I'm sleeping in my own house, though." He quickly responded after. He walked out, taking the other house to our left. I looked back up at Ranboo as I lightly smiled turning to him.
"Thanks, for... protecting me. I know I must be a pain, but thanks.." I said. He looked down at me and smiled putting his hands on both my shoulders.
"Don't worry about it.. we all make mistakes." He reassures. I hugged him tightly one last time, before he released our hug. As he walked past me ready to leave I had a quick reaction and grabbed his arm without thinking.
"Ranboo, Wait..!" I said as he turned to look at me.
"Can.. Can we sleep in the same house tonight..?" I asked.

(1417 wordssss better than last night 😩 now with the extra it's 1434 wordss Love y'all <3)

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