Part 7

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What was happening..? Was Y/n okay...? I thought.

Still Ranboo's POV:

As I silently sat there waiting for Tommy to speak up Tubbo grabbed the fish he had killed and brought them over to us when Tommy started the fire.
"so... uhmm, yesterday when you passed out from having too much water on you.. we set up a bit of a camp away from the water so you wouldn't get wet.. and well, half way through the night I woke up to some bushes rustling, I'm guessing they woke up Y/n too since when I came out of my tent she was already out as well. I asked her if she also heard the noise and she nodded a couple of times. We then heard it again so I got my wooden' axe giving Tubbo's to, her. We stood back-to-back kind of staring into the darkness. Until I finally made us a touch as soon as I stood up I uhh... saw Dream and he..." Tommy paused for a moment before catching his breathe.
"He demanded we give him, Y/n.. I refused and that's when Tubbo woke up.." He continued. I looked at Tubbo who was putting fish on the fire cooking them not looking at either of us. I then looked back at Tubbo.
"...continue.." I whispered.
"Tubbo came out of mine and his tent, since Y/n slept with you. She didn't want to leave your side ever since you passed out from the water.. but, anyway when Tubbo came out I'm supposing he realised what was happening and tried to reason with, Dream." He stopped to catch his breathe again.
"George and Snapnap was also there.." Tubbo quietly reminded as Tommy lightly nodded. I was trying to get worried now. Tommy continued saying that Tubbo told Tommy that they couldn't fight Dream George and Snapnap since they had armour on diamond weapons, and all we had was no armour with two wooden' axes. It's obvious who would've won.. as Tommy kept explaining one part hit me like a knife to the chest..
"After Tubbo reached me he, uhm.." Tommy looked at Tubbo for a bit of help. I looked over at Tubbo as well as Tubbo explained the rest giving Tommy a break before he almost broke into little tears.
"When I reached Tommy I told him exactly this: Tommy, we can't take them on. We only have wooden' materials. Besides.. They're stronger than us too." He passed before continuing again.
"Then Tommy kind of whispered but also kind of yelled if I was crazy but I just put my hand on his shoulder.." I put my hand up stopping him for a second possessing everything.
"Don't tell me you actually..." I quietly spoke as his head tilted down a bit looking towards the ground as Tommy did the same. I tried to hold my tears back as I let him explain the last bit.
"I...I then p-pushed Y/n i-into George and they... they left after that.." His voice became shaken and I could tell he had so much guilt in him.
"I still remember the tears and the words Y/n yelled at us.. and the betrayal in her eyes..." Tommy suddenly said. I stood up quietly as none of them lifted their heads. Not a single movement was moved.
"I'll be back." I whispered my voice sounding weak as if I was about to cry, and I was. I risked my life for her, only for my friends to let her go again. I mean, I understand they couldn't beat Dream George and Snapnap with only wooden' tools.. I also understand that they could've died but.. what could they be doing to Y/n right now..? I felt so stressed and worried I broke down onto the ground in tears. Half way through my walk.

Y/n's POV:

I was still stuck in this stupid cell like an animal. Only the window to bring light in. Whenever the metal door opened it was only when someone came in to give me something. I never looked at who it was since I never played attention much. But I didn't care who it was anyway. I everyone in this house, friendly or not. Until someone from earlier walked in. As I stood near the window avoiding the door I heard a key moving inside the keyhole unlocking it. As the metal door opened wide I heard someone walk in closing it behind them. They held the key close to them as I heard them just stand in one place. I felt they're eyes scanning me up and down until I finally decided to speak.
"what the hell do you want." I said in an annoyed tune obviously.
"...I'm just here to check up on you, relax." A soft voice said form behind. It sounded like a boy, and he didn't sound anything like Dream either. As I turned around I saw it was the boy with the goggles. The one they called 'George'. I glared at him as soon as our eyes met.
"I don't need checking up." I growled back again.
"Can we at least talk?" He lightly smiled.
"Are you gonna put a sharp blade to my neck again?" I kept glaring at him as I grew more annoyed. He was silent for a few seconds. It's obvious he felt KIND of guilty. But then again he kidnapped me and threatened to kill me. Twice.
"Don't act all innocent, now and feel the guilt. You tried to kill me twice, not only that, but you tried to kill my friends! You held a blade to my neck, shoved me into that green-pear of an asshole, you basically kidnapped me, and expect me to feel bad for you?!" I shouted as I came close to him. He was still quiet as he took a few steps back. I could tell i was somehow making him scared. What a 'tough guy' he is, without his 'presious weapon' by his side. He seemed extremely nervous if I'm honest.
"O-Okay, so maybe we did all those, but I wanna reason with you at least since you'll be here for a while.. my other friends will also come in to meet you as well.." He quietly responded.
"Well tell their asses' I'm not interested.. 'George'." I once again said in an annoyed tune as I turned back walking over to the window barely being able to look outside. I heard him sigh behind me as he made himself comfortable again.
"I'm afraid you don't really have a choice wither you wanna meet them or not.." He continued. He and the other men in this house made me wanna punch them all.


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