Part 6

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"Just you and me now, Princess." Dream said to break the silence.

"Don't make it weird, you creep." I said sarcastically.

Tommy's POV:

I fell to my knees digging the touch into the ground as I put both hands onto the floor. I can't believe Tubbo just made us give her up so easily.. I felt him pat my shoulder as he leaned down.
"Tommy.. we couldn't fight them, we only had wooden' axes and even if we tried we'd probably die trying too.." He whispers. I lifted my head up to meet his eyes with mine.
"Tubbo. You saw the look on her face! She'll never trust us again for what we did! And.. Ranboo hurt himself trying to save her in the first place! He'll probably do it again.. we just let her go just like that.. what are we gonna tell him..?" I asked a bit worried.
"We'll wait until he wakes up. But let's hope he takes it easy and understands why we had too.." He responds. I for once felt guilty for doing this to Y/n.. but he was right. Dream would probably kill us in an instant if we tried to fight back. I just hope Ranboo understands..

Tubbo's POV:

Of course I had a rush of guilt go through my entire body.. but, if we didn't give Dream what he wanted he'd kill us all right on the spot. Our wooden' axes would not go well with a diamond axe or diamond swords. They even had amour on, we didn't. I hope Y/n will still understand it too, it'll be a lot harder to explain to Ranboo once he wakes up, but when we get back to L'manburg and suit up.. we'll get Y/n back. I got Tommy to stand up and go back to sleep in our tent as I checked up on Ranboo who wasn't so bad from before. He was now breathing normally his skin was dry, he was just sleeping peacefully now. So at least he's good. Well until we tell him about Y/n.. After checking up on him, I went back outside putting out the touch Tommy lit. I then went back into my tent where Tommy was fast asleep and eventually I fell back to sleep too after a while.

Y/n's POV:

I stood face-to-face with this nasty masked man, he was quite tall but he didn't scare me. He grabbed my arm leaning down a bit as he pulled me close he gently laid his axe upon my throat. It was touching me but if I moved even an inch I'd be dead.
"We're gonna need to set some ground rules if you come back to my base." He finally said.
"I would rather die then listen to you." I spat back. He moved the blade into my skin a bit as I tried not to flinch a lot.
"That can be eranged." He said with a sassy attitude. What a dick. I so badly wanted to punch him but I contained myself from doing so.
"If you take off that stupid mask and reveal your ugly face maybe I might." I slightly smirked knowing he's most likely glaring at me annoyed.
"I don't look ugly, and I don't do that for free either." He spat back.
"Whatever you say "tough guy" hurry up and explain your stupid rules." I said annoyed. He sighed as he removed his axe from my throat still having a hold of my arm. He leaned back up putting his axe away before taking off his hoodie from his head moving his mask to the top-right of his head by the side. He then lit up a touch shining it up high so I could see his face clearly. I stared at his features carefully. He had dark green eyes, light brown hair with a bunch of freckles along his cheeks.
"Are you done, staring princess?" He broke the silence again as I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Whatever. Are you gonna explain these dumb rules or try to still be badass? even though you are failing terribly." I whispered the last part looking down away from him. He chuckled obviously hearing every single word I said anyway, even the last bit.
"You honestly have a lot of gut, still trying to fight back even with a blade against your throat." He then continued.
"I'm not afraid of death, bitch. Deaths afriad of me." I snapped back once again. I know I sounded stupid but.. I tried to sound intimidating.
"Well, if deaths afriad of you.. then I guess he should be afaird of me too." He made the most weirdest and yet most craziest smirk, I think I've ever seen anyone do. He truly was a damn psycho... Eventually he explained his stupid rules to me. It was very boring and he had sooo many. But as he finished explaining the last one, the sun began to rise. He put out the touch putting his mask back over his face lifting his hood back up.
"Time to go." He continued. He got out his axe in case I tried to escape and pulled me into his chest like 'George' did holding his axe to my throat inches away from cutting into my presious skin. He pulled out another enderpearl and threw it in one direction. Hoe many enderpearls did this psycho have?! Definitely more than me, that's for sure.. we teloported in front of a huge house, to which I'm guessing was his base. It was very well done for someone like him.. better than my own at least. He pulled me along with the axe still to my throat as we walked inside seeing the two same men as before. 'George' and 'Snapnap'. Those two annoy me but not as much as this green pear does. He led me down the hallway opening a metal door throwing me inside onto the hard wooden' floor.
"You sleep here. So get comfortable... you'll be here for a very long time." He laughed as he closed the door locking it, since I heard a click and the sound of a key turning. That rat bustard! I stood up walking over to the window which had bars around it. It felt like prison.. which it was, for me. I sat on the rusty ass' bed beside the window dust falling off it as I landed.
"For a huge house this room is disgusting." I whispered to myself. The entire time I thought about, how Tommy and Tubbo basically betrayed me, but the main one I thought of... was Ranboo..

Ranboo's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining into a tent I was laying in. I looked down next to me to see an empty bed but the blanket was messed up. I groaned as I walked outside looking at my surroundings. I saw Tommy sitting down making a fire to cook some fish on. He looked over looking up at me.
"Ranboo! Your awake big man!" He shouted. He sounded very excited as he always did.
"Wheres Tubbo?" I questioned.
"He's gettin' some fish from the lake we fell into." He answered.
"Oh, okay.. what about Y/n?" I asked. The question seemed to have caught him off guard. Just perfect timing for Tubbo to come back with a bunch of fish. When he saw me I saw his eyes lit up with happiness.
"RANBOO!" He also, shouted dropping the bag of fish as he ran towards me hugging me tightly. I politely returned the hug noticing Tommy was still quiet.
"Tommy? Are you okay?" Tubbo asked looking down at him letting me go. He then looked at me confused.
"I asked him where Y/n was.. do you know where she is, Tubbo?" I again questioned. Tubbo seemed to have gone quiet as well as his head fell down a bit.
"...did I ask something that I wasn't meant too..?" I asked a bit worried for what I said.
"You may need to sit for this, Ranboo.." Tubbo quietly responded. I did as I was told too and waited for him to speak.
"Promise you won't get mad??" He continued as he looked up at me. He has guilt in his eyes...I hesitated for a moment before responding.
"...I promise." He sighed as Tommy kept looking at the ground upset.
"I don't know the full story, so uhm.. Tommy, can you..?" Tubbo asked as he looked over to Tommy as I did the same. He slowly nodded as he brought his head back up slowly. What was happening..? Is Y/n okay...? I thought.

(1453 words honey baby <3 but now they're 1464 words 👏🏽)

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