Part 22

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"Ranboo..?" I asked. He still looks the same, in a suit with his black n' white features. But he acted.. differently.

I kept my gaze on his eyes, this time he wasn't looking away.. This wasn't him.
"Ranboo? Are you okay??" I questioned not leaving my eyes from, his. He slowly raised his, left hand to my cheek placing his cold hand onto my cheek. It gave me chills, since his skin was always so cold. He then slowly opened his mouth just like a normal endermen would...
"Ranboo...?" I asked once again. He was quiet, not speaking a word.. then the door burst open as I shot my head in its direction. Ranboo slowly turned his head in the doors direction too. He kept me close to the table though, unable for me to move backwards.
"Are you guys, ready? We've been waiting forever!" Tommy said barging in, looking over to us. He immediately understood what was happening as his eyes widened.
"RANBOO, DON'T!" He yelled as Ranboo let out a terrifying but very loud endermen scream. Tommy and I covered our ears since it was so loud.. It almost shattered the glass of the windows.
"RANBOO!" He yelled again. Within' a flash Ranboo leaped at Tommy pushing him into the wall behind him. Tubbo came rushing in, only to see Ranboo holding Tommy against the wall, trying to... kill him.
"Wh- RANBOO! STOP!" Tubbo screamed getting Ranboo's attention as he slowly turned his gaze from Tommy to Tubbo. I got up and ran upstairs, also getting Ranboo's attention from my feet on the hard wooden' floor. He screamed another loud horrifying endermen scream as he chased after me. I opened his bedroom, door closing it behind me hearing a tall endermen behind it.. I looked down at my hands that were... shaking.... was I.. was I, scared..? I looked back up to the door where the sounds suddenly stopped. Everything fell quiet, I didn't like it. I backed up sitting down on his bed. I looked down at the ground putting my hands over my eyes leaning my elbows down onto my knees groaning.
"What is happening..?" I whispered to myself. I felt uneasy for some reason, now... like something just felt wrong all the sudden'.. I didn't feel safe in the room anymore.. I got up and looked up towards the door ready to walk towards it, before noticing Ranboo standing there, with his eyes still bright purple with a white mist covering them.
"R-Ranboo-" I muttered standing back again my legs hitting the bottom of the bed. I backed up, onto his bed moving back every step as he got closer.
"Ranboo, listen to me.. I know you'd never hurt me... right? Your too kind! And you wouldn't hurt anyone...." I said worried as he climbed onto the bed with his mouth still loose. I kept going backwards until I reached the wall, terrified for life.. what if he did, hurt me..?? I didn't wanna find out. As he leaned closer, his face now just inches away from mine.. I heard one bite from an endermens bite can kill someone within' a second.. I hope Ranboo didn't do that to me, though.. He started into my eyes as I moved my face to the side closing my eyes tightly shut. I then felt another cold hand touch my cheek as he turned my face back towards him. I opened my eyes seeing his eyes right in front of mine.. He opened his mouth more, and I think I knew how this was gonna end.. As his jaw widened more and more, I saw my life flash before my own two eyes.. I was screwed. I was scared.. I was, done for. This is the end for me.... I thought. I held back my tears as he kept staring into my eyes, as his jaw kept getting wider. We then heard bashing on the bedroom door, hearing Tommy's voice on the other side. Before I could react, Ranboo shot his head towards it annoyed. As he got up at the end of the bed I finally took a breathe, realising I was holding my own breathe the entire time. I got up off the side, watching him carefully. Then the door burst open again, Revealing Tommy and Tubbo. Ranboo stared at them as they did the same.
"Y/n! Stay there, we'll deal with him!" Tubbo said. Ranboo let out another endermen scream as he bolted towards Tubbo, shoving him aside and knocking Tommy back out of the room down the stairs. Tubbo hit the side of a draw and let out a scream of pain, since he hit the edge of it.
"Tubbo!" I yelled, racing towards him. He got back up ignoring the pain.
"Stay behind me, Y/n!" He said pulling out a shield to defend us both.
"What's wrong with him?!" I asked still confused why Ranboo was acting this way.
"He didn't tell you?!" Tubbo asked turning his head to me surprised.
"Well, he has this thing of-"
"LOOK OUT!" I screamed cutting him off. He shot his head back in the shields direction holding it up just in time for Ranboo to swipe his huge hand at.
"Ranboo! Calm down!" Tubbo yelled trying to not hurt, Ranboo with anything, yet Ranboo was trying to hurt us. He already hurt Tommy.. twice.
"Y/n! Back up!" Tubbo continues. I did as I was told, seeing Tubbo back up with me as well. I backed into a corner, not being able to back up any further.
"This is as far as I can back up!" I yelled to Tubbo still moving backwards, holding the shield up in different directions to where Ranboo swiped both his hands.
"The shields gonna break! You'll need to try and run past him as fast as you can, Y/n!" Tubbo yelled again.
"NOW! GO NOW!!" He shouted cutting me off. Without any time to think I ran past Tubbo, as he lifted the shield for me to get past trying to prevent Ranboo from grabbing me. Unfortunately, he couldn't, since Ranboo grabbed my arm in a tight grip pulling me back with a lot of force...
"Y/N!!" I heard Tubbo scream behind me. I looked back seeing Tubbo's shield break and with Ranboo swiping another hand at him.
"RANBOO, DON'T!!" I screamed tears flowing down my eyes holding onto his hand, that was still holding my arm with a tight grip. Although his grip hurt, he actually listened to me as his hand stopped mid-way. He slowly turned his head towards me his mouth slowly closing a bit. There was still a gap, but it wasn't as wide now. Tubbo looked at us confused.
"R-Ranboo.. Please, Don't hurt us! Stop this madness!" I said tears still flowing out of my eyes, as they dropped onto the floor. He turned his attention to me completely, now. He turned facing me letting my arm go since it was kind of hurting. I placed a hand on his, left cheek looking into his eyes.
"Ranboo, I know your in there somewhere.. come back." I whispered, pulling his face towards mine, and placing our foreheads together. I closed my eyes, putting both my hands on both his cheeks.
"Please.." I once again whispered. I slightly opened my eyes, to see him closing his eyes now. I closed my eyes again, feeling two cold hands grab both my hands on each side of his cheeks. I opened my eyes to see him putting my hands down, with his eyes still closed. I moved my head back a bit looking at his face, with my hands still in his. He opened his eyes, them still being bright purple with a white mist covering them.
"Oh, Ranboo.." I quietly spoke. Tubbo seemed to also be holding back hid tears at this 'beautiful' moment. Tubbo sneaked past us to, Tommy who had came back up the stairs, very badly hurt from falling down them. Ranboo slowly blinked as both his eyes remained purple. I slightly turned around, Only to see Tommy pull out a iron sword.
"Wait, Tommy no!" I yelled as Ranboo looked behind me, only to see Tommy with a sword. He returned back into his serious and horrifying endermen state again. He gripped my hands as I screamed in pain. This time, he didn't seem to care.. at all. He pushed me aside with such force I hit something on a shelf, that came crashing down cutting into my skin. I screamed in pain again as Ranboo rushed towards Tommy who ran downstairs and outside of the house. I breathed heavily as Tubbo rushed over to me.
"Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelled worried.
"Y-Your bleeding.. We need to get Puffy!" He continued.
"No! Don't. Get Tommy, before Ranboo actually kills him this time.." I said looking straight up into, Tubbo's worried eyes.
"W-What..? But you-"
"Go. Now, Tubbo! Please!" I yelled not letting him answer.

(1513. Not bad, but not good 😭 I need to type more dude, damn I'm lazy. 😒 1550 now but, oh well. Get some sleep y'all even if it's not night for ya' oh well, Gn! 💗)

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