chapter 1

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Eli Moskowitz woke up to get ready for school. The place he dreads to go every day but then again he gets treated better there than at home. Eli hasn't been lucky in life so far. His mum is a drunk that hits him and his dad died when he was young and he gets bullied terribly at school.
The one thing that makes eli happy is his sister y/n. He takes care of her. He swore to his dad he would before he died and hes never broken that promise since. He loves y/n so much and he would die for her in a heartbeat.
He woke up and put his green sweater on and a pair of jeans. He looked at himself in the mirror with disgust. He believes he's the ugliest kid in the world. Eli has a cleft lip scar and everyone calls him "lip or freak" at school and his mum too.
He stared at himself sadly before heading into get y/n up.
" hey wakey wakey" he tapped her gently.
There was no response. Y/n was a nightmare to get out of bed in the morning.
" y/n we have school"eli tapped some more.
She groaned angrily. She hates waking up in the morning.
" get up" eli said a bit more sternly.
" fine" y/n said moodily.
She finally got up and started getting ready for school while eli made breakfast. He was worried there mum was going to walk through the front door all drunk and ready to hurt them so he tried moving as quickly as he could.
" y/n hurry up" eli yelled upstairs.
" I'm ready" y/n came sprinting downstairs.
" good morning" eli hugged her gently.
The pair hugged a lot for siblings. It helps them feel safe. They do a lot of things to help each other feel safe. That's how badly they've been abused. Well eli. He never let's y/n get hurt but there has been moments she has been.
" morning" she said smiling at her brothers hugs.
" here you go" he said passing y/n her lunch and breakfast. They have there breakfast to go because they don't want to run into there mum.
" thanks" she said.
The pair headed out and on the way out they saw there mum passed out on the driveway. This was a recurring problem too. Eli used to drag her Into the house if it was cold when he was little but he doesn't bother anymore. He shouldn't waste his time helping someone that hurts him so much.
" why can't are mum be normal" y/n asked sadly.
Eli hugged her again. Hes asked himself that question so many times.
" we were just unlucky with the mum we got but don't worry you have me" eli smiled sweetly and took her hand.
" I'm glad I have you" she said as the two started walking to school.
" you always will" he said not letting go of her hand the whole walk to y/n elementary school.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this story. This is going be following the actual show with some changes.
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