chapter 15

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Eli was laying in a hospital bed still unconscious. He looked terrible. His head had the biggest bruise on it and his face had little cuts all over it and his leg had a bruise and his back looked the worse. It had the worlds biggest bruise on it and to make it worse it looked red and black like it was infected.
Y/n sat beside him holding his hand. She hated seeing eli like this. Anytime he was started to become happy something had to ruin it and it was always mom.
Y/n felt terrible. How did she not hear the fight? She could of protected him like hes always protected her but she failed him and now hes hurt badly.
" I'm so sorry eli" y/n cried and kissed his hand.
The touch of y/n made him start to wake him up.
" eli are you okay" she asked relived hes awake.
He instantly burst into tears. The mixture of the pain and stress and exhaustion hes been dealing with lately was finally getting to him.
" awww don't cry" she said hugging him as gently as she could.
" I can't do this anymore. I'm just a kid" he cried. It sounds like he was on the verge of a panic attack.
" shhhh its okay just breath" she spoke gently to him.
" I'm in pain all the time. I'm tired and stressed. I bust my ass of to keep a roof over our head and food on the table. I only get 4 hours sleep a night. I can't do it anymore. I just want to be happy. I want to be a normal kid but I guess I'm never going to be. I'm just an abused bullied freak with a shit lip" he was struggling to breathe as he said this.
He put his hand on his chest and started to cry even more hysterically while trying to catch his breath.
" look at me" y/n said making make eye contact and putting her hand on the hand that was on his chest.
" breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth" she did it with him.
Eventually he started to breathe properly but he was still crying.
" god I'm so tired and I have work soon. I can't miss that. We need the money" he started panicking again.
"Don't worry about that. Just worry about getting better. Your in pain and you don't deserve to be. You don't deserve all the shit you go through and I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you like your always there to protect me. You really are the best brother ever and I love you so much" she cried hugging him again.
" I love you too" he said kissing her scalp.
The pair cried in each others arms for a bit longer until y/n pulled away and started stroking the cuts on elis face.
" apart from being stressed and tired are you okay" she asked eli who looked like he was still in agony.
" no but your here so that makes me happy" he slightly smiled before holding y/n hand.
" how about we watch a movie to distract us from the horrible evening we just had? You can pick" she said pulling out her iPad.
Eli smiled and patted the bed so they can cuddle up while they watch a movie together. They always watch movies together cuddled up. It helps them feel safe.
Eli picked the goonies. Hes loved that film since he was a kid.
Eli fell asleep during the film and y/n too. They both fell asleep beside each other. Y/n feeling safe and eli feeling stressed and he was in pain. His back was really sore and his head was banging but he was happy he had y/n beside him and she wasn't hurt and he did manage to defend her for now.

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