chapter 30

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Y/n hung around with tory for a while. She can tell there going to be good friends. They even exchanged numbers but now y/n had to meet demetri so they can go comic book shopping. She was looking forward to seeing demetri. She hasn't for a while.
For some reason eli ditched him for the cobras which is so messed up considering there supposed to be binary brothers.
" hey" y/n ran and hugged demetri which made demetri giggle.
" long time no see" he said with a smile on his face.
" yeah I know. I wish I could see more of you" she said sadly.
" yeah well just because eli hates me now doesn't mean you cant still see me I mean your my binary sister" he said making her giggle.
Y/n doesnt think eli hates demetri. Hes just changing because of bullies and hes scared to be bullied so hes doing everything he can to act like the total opposite of eli even if that means dumping demetri for some assholes.
" yeah well let's get some comic book binary brother" she laughed before heading in into the store.
Everything was fine for a while until she saw a red mohawk knowing it was eli.
" shit" she said worriedly. She lied to eli about who she was with and eli seems to get angry about anything these days.
" what" demetri asked confused until he saw hawk.
" well this is where you are with him" he said angrily almost in a jealous way.
" so what? I can hang out with who I want. Besides what are you even doing here? Your not working today" y/n argued back.
" I'm here because your new brother wrote a yelp review on cobra kai and i need him to take it down" he said glaring at demetri terrifyingly.
" no someone needed to say something about that place. Besides that sensei broke my nose" he argued back clearly not intimidated by hawk and his goons behind him.
"Yeah so stop crying over a yelp review and go away" y/n shouted making elis face sadden for a minute. He hates it when y/n sides with demetri or anyone for that matter over him. Hes her real brother who's made so many sacrifices for her and eli expects her to always be on his side like hes always on hers.
" seriously your siding with this pussy? Your in cobra kai too and your siding with the enemy" he shouted.
" the enemy? Hes your friend" y/n said shocked eli was talking like this.
" well I suppose your here to hurt me" demetri said fearlessly.
" if I have to" hawk said approaching demetri and pulling y/n out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt.
" run", y/n shouted to demetri who ran out of the store to find robby and sam.
Y/n ran after hawk trying to stop him but the time she got there a big fight was already happening. Robby and sam were kicking the cobras ass while demetri was in the middle so that's where y/n went but eli pulled her behind him to keep her safe.
" stay behind me okay" he shouted but y/n ignored him and went to demetri while all the other cobras were on the floor until it was only robby and eli left.
Eli ran and jumped up to kick robby but robby was faster and kicked eli to the floor unconscious.
Y/n ran to him even though he deserved it it was still her brother and she still cared for him and wanted him to be okay.
" eli wake up" she shouted and tapped him worriedly.
This reminded of the time she found eli unconscious because of bullies outside her school when he was still eli.
Y/n was heading out of school. She knew eli would be waiting for her but when she got out there she didnt see him so she headed to the spot he would wait for her at but when she got there she saw eli on the floor with his eyes closed and blood on his head.
" shit eli wake up"she ran and shook him and after a few minutes of doing that he woke up.
" ow" he held his head in pain.
" are you okay? What happened?" She asked helping him up.
" yeah Kyler followed me here and his friends beat me and I couldn't fight back. There were too many of them"he cried as y/n hugged him.
She was sick of seeing eli get bullied and all she wanted was for him to fight back but now he is but hes turning into someone y/n hates.

End of flashback
After a while he woke up but he was angry. Really angry.
" are you okay" y/n asked even if he doesn't deserve her caring about him right now.
" yeah no thanks to you" he stood up angrily.
" me? You started that fight" she yelled.
" yeah and I would of finished it if you weren't there. This always happens. I get hurt because your around because I always defend you. If you weren't around I would be fine. You ruin ever chance I get to win" he screamed in y/n face making y/n start to cry. Eli has never really shouted at her before and it was scary when he does.
" y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean that" he said feeling guilty after noticing her tears.
Y/n ran away and demetri went after her and eli kicked the chair angrily. Why did he do that? He hates upsetting y/n.
" mr Moskowitz" the comic book store manager said. He saw eli start the fight and that's elis boss. So this wasn't going to end well

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