chapter 54

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Not long after y/n called demetri he showed up at the park. His arm being in his cast still so as y/n ran to hug him she tried to be super gentle.
" hey what's going on" he asked confused. He knew eli was involved. He always is nowadays.
" eli. I can't with him anymore. I'm terrified of him" she said thinking about brucks. Yes she hated brucks for what he did to eli and she knows he deserved it but she can't get his blooded up face out of her mind.
" what's he done now" demetri asked softly sitting on a bench beside y/n.
" he beat the living shit out of brucks. Yes I know he deserves it but you should of seen the state of him. His face was covered in blood. He looked dead" y/n cried.
Y/n and demetri knew one day eli would explode. He'd been bottling up his anger for his entire life pretty much but they didn't know it was going to be this bad.
" I know how you feel. I'm scared of him too. Every time I see him I think hes going to hurt me again but hes still your brother and even though hes hurt me in the worse way possible I know he wouldn't hurt you. Your the best thing that ever happened to him and he loves you even now" demetri said.
" no don't defend him. He hurt you. He doesn't deserve you defending him. He deserves punishment and pain for what he did to you. I don't understand why you think you need to defend him. Hes not your binary brother anymore" y/n said angrily.
Demetri looked at her sadly. He misses eli so much. Elis was his only friend ever and now he hates him for no reason.
" I know and I know hes done some unforgivable things but I still miss him. We were friends for such a long time and I miss getting to be his friend" demetri said sadly.
" me too. I miss him but hes made his choice and hes going to have to live with it" y/n said angrily. She can't let eli get away with this anymore. Demetri was his friend and he hurt him and now hes hurt someone else. He was turning into mom and y/n couldn't let that happen anymore.

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