Chapter 8

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Pandora Reef
Metkayina clan

The group gathered in a shallow part of the sea as Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Roxto stood before them. Ao'nung moved further into the sea, clicking his tongue and calling the ilu towards them. A dark purple ilu with blue detailing splotched across its back swam up to Li'teya, nudging its head along her hand. A small giggle came from the girl as she petted its head gently.

"These are Ilu; if you want to live here, you have to ride."

"I know what Teya wants to ride ..." Tsu'tey started, but Li'teya grabbed onto his head, dunking him under the water.

"Shut the fuck up, penis breath.

"I wanna ride too!" Tuk exclaimed 

Everyone's eyes widened " no no Tuk" Neteyam shushed lifting her onto his hip 

"But why can Teya and I can't" Tuk cried. Neteyam stroked her head encouraging Ao'nung to go on with the lesson.

"Nice one сука" Teya cursed hitting Tsu'tey on his arm causing him laugh.

The forest na'vi were split into groups. Lo'ak and Tsu'tey with Tsireya, Kiri and Tuk with Roxto and Li'teya and Neteyam with Ao'nung. 

"That dive yesterday was mildly impressive", Ao'nung commented.

Li'teya looked at the boy, a slight smirk on her face. "Wow, a compliment; never thought i'd hear the day", she mused.

"ah ah, mildly impressive", he corrected

"still a compliment."

Ao'nung ignored her comment, hiding his smile as he grabbed the ilu's saddle.

"Make the bond", he instructed. Li'teya grabbed her queue, connecting it to the ilu. "Feel its breath, its heartbeat. Feel the ilu," he whispered as he let go of the saddle.

Li'teya mounted the ilu, gently rubbing its neck. Ao'nung grabbed Teya's hand, taking her by surprise and guiding her to hold the handle. "Hold tight", he advised.

Teya nodded readjusting her grip. She looked into his blue eyes, her ears slowly dropping at his kindness. It was only his job, but he treated her differently than her siblings.

"When you are ready, go" Ao'nung moved away from the girl, pulling Neteyam back with him.

Teya took a deep breath as her ilu began to swim through the water. She held her breath as it dived under the water. A sudden anxiety washed over her, but it was quickly replaced with a sense of freedom. She clung onto the handle tighter as her ilu jumped out of the water before diving back under.

Ao'nung and Neteyam stared at the girl with proud smiles as she gracefully rode the ilu. "Are you sure she is forest na'vi? Ao'nung queried.

Neteyam studied the girl carefully "she's always been a quick learner", he shrugged.

"Hmm, well, she is definitely pulling her weight, unlike your brother."

Neteyam turned his head to watch Lo'ak tumble off the back of the ilu, crashing into the water. "Well, Lo'ak has always been a slow learner", Neteyam remarked.

Li'teya gently rode her ilu back to shore with a smile still present. "Your turn Teyam."

"I don't think I can follow that, look at that skxwang over there."

It was Teya's turn to watch Lo'ak fall  off his Ilu for about the 10th time. "oh, Lo'ak," she laughed. "He was always a slow learner, wasn't he?"

"That's what I said!".


 Later that night Li'teya lay in her hammock, waiting for her father to fall asleep. She watched as her brother cuddled close to his stuffed toy, a sign that he was fast asleep. A few moments passed when she heard her father's light snoring. She quickly slid out of her hammock, sneaking out of the Mauri, unaware of the na'vi watching her leave.

Li'teya ran to the cove she discovered when they first arrived, sneaking through the village docks. She hopped over the stepping stones and entered the remote region. The walls of the cove shimmered with blue, purple, and pink bioluminescent algae. Teya wandered around the cove, sliding her hands across the wall. In awe of the reef's beauty, she smiled softly. This isn't something you'd find in the forest.

A soft whistle echoed through the cove; Li'teya smiled as she blew out the returning whistle."I've missed that", A gentle voice rang out.

Teya's hand dropped from the wall as she tilted her head to the side "missed what?"

"Your smile"

Teya dropped her head at his words.

"Talk to me, Te," he asked, moving closer to her.

"My dad hates me, your dad hates me, the reef people hate me. It is difficult to smile through this," she whispered, trying to not let the tears fall.


"The only time I've smiled while we've been here is when I've been with you or at least near you" her mouth moved faster than her mind as her confession slipped out of her mouth. Shit.

Walking with his back against her chest, Lo'ak grinned to himself. She felt goosebumps go down her spine as he muttered, "I only smile when I'm with you too."

Teya yelled at herself to make a move, but her thoughts betrayed her. If Teya turned her head to the side, their lips would meet. "Can I show you something?"

Lo'ak stepped out of her way and added, "Of course, lead the way." In frustration about his chance to express his feelings to her, he closed his eyes.

Teya hurried to the shore, her toes touching the water, and she grasped his hand.

"Lie down", she instructed. The boy lay down on the sand, leaving room for Li'teya to join him. Teya lay her head on his arm as she looked to the sky.

"Before we left, I figured out the study of stars is called Astronomy, so I spoke to Norm about it, and he showed me all the stars, literally everything beyond our planet", she explained.

Lo'ak's eyes twitched as he listened to her rant enthusiastically. "Is there a point to this?" he teased.

"I'm getting there. Norm said stars don't move much so. Naturally, the same star should be visible from anywhere, so .." Li'teya lifted up her hand to measure the stars. She smiled as she located what she was searching for. "There", she pointed ." Those two stars are ours", she beamed.

Lo'ak's eyes lit up as he looked at the stars. "You are amazing, you know that?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I try. Now, since we are being forced apart and have to sneak out like this, you know where to find me in the sky".

The pair fell asleep on the beach after talking for hours about what Norm had taught Li'teya about the stars. This cove was their new place. Their escape.


Woooo new chapter 

So Li'teya and Lo'ak are definitely getting closer - maybe a kiss is on the horizon 

let me know what you thought of the chapter and what you want to see in this book. Vote and comment xxx 

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