*Chapter 11*

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Slight mentions of smut. If you feel robbed at the end , just be patient there is more to come 😉 (Literally)

Pandora Reef
Metkayina clan

Love? The dictionary definition of love is 'an intense feeling of deep affection'. For Li'teya, it meant Lo'ak. They had been paired at the hip from the moment they were born, and it had always been Li'teya and Lo'ak, the two troublemakers.

As Li'teya walked through the forest, she began to doubt that he only saw her as his best friend, which was killing her. Why would he want a screw-up like her?

Li'teya eventually found a clearing where she lay down looking at the stars above, something she regularly did when she was overwhelmed or upset. Li'teya let out a whistle hoping to bring herself some comfort. What she didn't expect was to hear a whistle in response.

Teya turned round to sit on her knees as Lo'ak emerged into the clearing.

Li'teya got up and embraced Lo'ak in a bone-crushing hug, but she pulled back, remembering his stupid behaviour.

"сука" she scolded, punching his arm. "What were you thinking! You could have died."

"I wasn't thinking."

"Clearly! I was terrified."

"Can you save the lecture, please I've already had one from my dad", Lo'ak retorted

"Lo'ak, you almost died, and you expect me to say nothing", she raised her voice slightly.

"I need you to be my friend, not my parent. The whole clan hates me; my whole family hates me, and I do not need you to hate me too."

Li'teya stared into his familiar amber eyes. His eyes felt like home. "I could never hate you. I see you", she murmured, grabbing his hand holding onto his pinky finger.

"I know, and I see you too, but.."

"No, Lo'ak, I see you," Li'teya said, emphasising the you. 

Lo'ak went to speak but nothing came out. The girl he's loved pretty much all his life sees him, not in a friendly way, and she sees him.

"And I have needed to tell you for the longest time, but I never knew if you liked me but after you almost died for what seems like the hundredth time. I had to let you know. if you don't feel the same way, just tell me to now, and you can forget this happened.." Lo'ak stopped her rant by grabing her chin and lifting her head up.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

Li'teya smiled at his words nodding her head "yes".

Lo'ak cupped her jaw as she stepped up, pressing her soft lips onto his. Lo'ak melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her impossibly closer. Li'teya can taste Pitaya fruit on his lips which is his favourite food. She can feel his heartbeat as she places her hands on his chest. Fireworks exploded in Li'teya's stomach as Lo'ak deepened the kiss; her hands traced circles along his chest, making him groan on her lips. Li'teya's lungs screamed for air, so she pulled away, gasping for oxygen.

Lo'ak took a deep breath looking into Teya's blue eyes, realising what they just did.

"Holy shit", he whispered.

"What? Did I do something wrong" Teya asked worriedly

"No, no, I just never thought I'd kiss you", he admitted with a lop-sided grin.

A dark blush formed on her cheeks as she placed her hands on his chest again. "Me neither", she whispered, connecting their lips once more. Their first kiss was light and soft, and this one was rough and passionate. The two teens were hungry for each other. Lo'ak walked Teya back until her back pressed against a tree. She moaned into the kiss when Lo'ak traced his hand along her inner thigh.

"Lo'ak", she whispered breathlessly.

"Tell me what you need, Te", he whispered, moving his hand further down her thigh.

"You. I need you," Teya whimpered, wrapping her tail around his leg.

Lo'ak groaned at her pleading voice, moving his kisses down her neck, definitely leaving bruises. Li'teya was in a trance, too captivated by all her senses being fulfilled. Lo'ak's kisses, his hands on her thigh, his hot breath on her neck, but she broke out of it to the sound of leaves rustling behind them.

"Lo'ak", she whispered, trying to get his attention

Lo'ak hummed at her voice, carrying on kissing her neck. "No, Lo'ak, someone is here", she stressed.

"Oh shit"

The pair scrambled off each other trying to hide the make-out session they just had. Teya's hair was sticking to her sweaty forehead, and small hickeys were forming on her neck. Lo'ak's lips were swollen with a tint of red.


"Lo'ak", two voices called out.

"Oh fuck, it's our brothers", Teya whispered.

"So, we hang out all the time; they won't care", Lo'ak dismissed

"Normally, I would agree, but not when we look like this", she argued "and in case you noticed, they are our older brothers."

The realisation hit Lo'ak like a truck. "Oh fuck. We could run?"

"No, they'd hear us."

"Just act natural", Lo'ak suggested as he sat down, resting his back against the tree.

"ACT NATURAL? How am I supposed to act natural when you just had your tongue down my throat and your hand on my ..."

Lo'ak placed his hand over her mouth. "Shhh, they're going to hear us. Do you really want Tsu'tey to hear that?"

"Don't want me hearing what?" Tsu'tey said as he and Neteyam came into the clearing.

"That Neteyam is a better hunter than you," Teya said, but it was muffled by Lo'ak's hand.

The two brothers studied their siblings. They were both out of breath, their hair was a complete mess, and Li'teya's tail was still wrapped around Lo'ak's leg.

"What are you two doing out here?" Neteyam asked, afraid of the answer.

"Stargazing", they both responded.

The brothers were still not convinced but shrugged it off, not wanting to hear any details.

"Well, dad wants you both home straight away", Tsu'tey continued grabbing Neteyam and pulling him away from the young lovers.

"Come on, blu," Li'teya said as she stood up, her tail unwrapping from his leg. Lo'ak stood up quickly, pressing a kiss to her lips to which she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close.

"Why didn't we do this earlier?" he asked.

Teya shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm glad we are" she began to walk away but stopped and faced him. "By the way, we aren't done here".



please let me know how I did cux im not very good at these types of scenes. Now there will be smut in this book so be prepared for that

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have a good day


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