Chapter 29

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Pandora Reef

Metkayina clan

three months later

In true Pandoran culture, once a Na'vi enters their 18th cycle, they are officially deemed adults and are reborn to the people. Today was Li'teya's turn, and today was the day she would finally be a part of the Metkayina clan and not some freak from the forest.

"I don't think I can do this." Teya was pacing back and forth in her mauri while Tsireya, Tsu'tey, and Ao'nung sat on the floor. The trio had spent the better part of the morning trying to calm her down.

"Teya, you just need to be blessed by my father, and then we can all get super drunk and party," Ao'nung shrugged.

"I was at your blessing, and it was not easy", she argued, flopping into his lap dramatically. Ao'nung groaned as she rested her elbow on his stomach.

"Honey, you'll be fine; we will all be there to support you," Tsireya reassured, but none of the boys responded. She huffed loudly, catching their attention.

"Yea, definitely"


"Let's run away, and we can all start a new life together. We don't need this place," she bargained.

Ao'nung snickered, "No thanks; I actually like living here, and I want to get drunk tonight, so don't take that from me, Li."

Teya sighed in defeat. "This is such bullshit."

Tsu'tey threw a pillow at her head, making her hair fly in front of her face. "Stop whining and get ready. Your ceremony is at dusk." Tsu'tey ordered, helping Tsireya onto her feet.

"It's literally morning сука" Teya responded.

"You take hours to get ready. You got this, little sis," he smiled, dragging Tsireya out of the hut.

Teya's eyes slowly looked up at Ao'nung. A little smirk graced her lips.

"No," he stated.

"Oh please"


"I told you about Lo'ak and me, so now it's your turn," she smiled.

"You choose to tell me, and I do not ask," he responded, pushing Teya off his lap. She landed on the floor with a small thump.

"But I'm literally your best friend, which means you are obliged to tell me all your dirty secrets."

"Oh, am I?" he teased.

Teya nodded and said, "Spill."

Ao'nung sighed. "Nothing serious has happened; we just kissed a few times," he shrugged.

Teya scoffed, mocking his voice. "Ugh, we just kissed a few times".

"We did; we've both been too busy to do anything about it, but I think he likes someone else," Ao'nung mumbled, diverting his gaze from Teya's stare.

"Hey", Teya placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "I've known Neteyam my whole life, and I promise you that boy is absolutely smitten. Did you see Ao'nung's hair today, or have you seen Ao'nung? It's incredibly annoying, actually."

Ao'nung's face immediately lit up. "He talks about me?"

Li'teya laughed. "All the fucking time, mate. I can only have one conversation without your name popping up, and I'll prove it to you." Teya dragged Ao'nung out of the hut, and they hid behind it.

"Stay here and listen." Teya ran to Neteyam, who was close to where Ao'nung was hiding.

"Hey, Teyam," she mused.

"Hi Teya, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for tonight?"

"Yes, but I wanted to let you know that we plan to sneak off during the party and get super drunk."

Neteyam nodded. "Is Ao'nung going to be there?"

Teya smirked, turning to the mauri and catching a glimpse of Ao'nung, who had a bright smile.

"You know I haven't asked him yet, but you're welcome to. I saw him fixing something on the docks there." Teya pointed to his hiding spot, causing the Metlayina boy to pretend he was busy with something, but his sudden panic caused him to trip over some bags, sending him to the floor.

Neteyam laughed. "Thanks, Teya. Good luck later," he said, walking towards Ao'nung, whose foot was stuck in a basket.

Teya turned away from Ao'nung and Neteyam to see Lo'ak sitting on the beach alone. His toes touched the shoreline as his hair moved gently in the wind. Ever since the battle, Lo'ak has stopped getting into trouble as much. He spends most of his time with Li'teya, Neteyam, or alone. Teya walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hi", she whispered.

A smile immediately made its way onto his face. "Hi"

"How are you?" she asked, kissing his temple.

"Much better now that you're here," he responded, pulling her onto his lap. Teya smirked. "What are you doing out here?"

Lo'ak shrugged. "I just needed some time alone." Teya nodded, knowing exactly how he felt. Her fingers traced over his healed bullet wound. The skin was now a light blue, but the mark was still visible. Lo'ak tensed when her fingers touched it. That night was still very sensitive for him. How can you overcome dying in front of your family and then coming back to life?

"You know my mauri is empty right now. Father is preparing for tonight, and Tsu'tey left with Tsireya," she teased, trailing her hands down his chest.

Lo'ak tilted his head to the side teasingly. "What are you implying, Te?"

"I think you know what I'm implying, Blu," she whispered seductively.

"Then I don't understand why we are still sitting here."



part 2 of Teya's 18th coming tomorrow where the gang get super drunk. We love drunk Teya 

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