ride me like a rodeo || gyro x reader || lemon! (clever freaking title)

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this was a result of the poll that i took a few days ago! gyro won (by a landslide) and lemon won (one vote over fluff), so here it is! there will be a fluff after this one with gyro, and ghiaccio and doppio will still have their turns, don't worry :D 

anyways, enjoy! remember, this is a sour pitcher of lemonade! drink if you dare ;)

"You know, riding horses is really hard to get the hang of." The Italian cowboy smirks, adjusting his hat on his head as his bright green eyes study you. You smirk, shaking your head as you strap your helmet on. "I can handle it. I'm not a child, Gyro." You frown, and he smiles in reply, his gold teeth shining in the sunlight. "Alright, principessa." He smirks to himself, and brings Valkyrie over to you, sighing.

"Alright, Y/N. In order to get yourself prepared to hop on the horse, I want you to jump as high as you can for me." He commands, his smooth, Italian accented voice flowing into your ears. "Gyro, this sounds really stupid." You sigh, and Gyro rolls his eyes, his dark eyelashes brushing against his sun-tanned skin. "Come on, principessa, you can do it for me, right?" He teases, and you roll your eyes, sighing as you start to jump.

You jump over and over; after a few jumps, your legs hurt and you start to feel lightheaded. "Come on, bambina, get those legs up higher! You can't expect to jump on Valkyrie jumping like that! Go! Go!" He drills you, clapping as he circles you, watching you as you jump. After a few more minutes of jumping hell, Gyro lets you stop, handing you his water bottle. You drink the water gratefully, and close it as Gyro's eyes are on you, the man smirking. "What?" You question, and he laughs.

"Nothing. You just look really hot with my lipstick on your lips." He teases, staring at you from under his wide-brimmed cowboy hat. You blush, and wipe your lips on your sleeve, green lipstick stained on the surface. "Oh, stop being such a flirt and teach me already." Sighing, you step closer to the man, and he stares down at you, smiling. "Fine, fine." Gyro reluctantly agrees, explaining how you jump on the horse with ease.

"Ohh, so like---woah!" You start to jump over Valkyrie's back before falling backwards; you see the world spin around you, and you fall into a pair of strong, built arms. You open your eyes to see the blonde haired and green eyed man who's teaching you standing above you, holding you in his arms. "Hahaha!" You laugh, and Gyro chuckles to himself a few times before placing you down on the ground. "It's not like that, is it?" You tease, and the Italian nods, smirking.

"Look, like this." Gyro demonstrates, jumping on the horse's back in one swift movement, landing in place on the saddle. He looks so attractive up on that horse; his blonde hair sways in the breeze, and his green eyes stare down at you; his eyelashes are thick, and he smiles with pride, his teeth glimmering in the sun. His green lipstick turns you on a bit, and you can't help but squish your legs together, trying to ignore the wet and burning feeling in your underwear.

"Woah, woah---you okay? Your face is red." Gyro snickers, knowing what he's done to you. "Yeah, Gyro. I'm fine." You blush, crossing your arms as Gyro steers Valkyrie over to you, holding his hand out. "What are you going to do?" You ask, taking it as he pulls you up and places you in front of him, handing you the reins of Valkyrie. "I'm letting you take control." He whispers in your ear, teasing you, and you try not to moan, settling for a shaky breath instead.

You bite your lip as you give Valkyrie a small spur with your boot, causing the horse to start moving and trot throughout the small forest. Gyro places his hands on each side of your hips, steadying you as you bounce on the horse lightly. That burning feeling comes back again, and you feel yourself start to slip of the horse, feeling a bit drowsy all of a sudden.

Gyro notices you squirming on the horses back, and he laughs to himself as he leans into your ear again, giving it a small kiss. You yelp in surprise and pleasure, and he smirks, whispering to you. "Focus on riding, Y/N. Nothing can distract you in an actual horse race, you know that, right?" Gyro teases you, pressing against you coyly. You feel something poke your back, and you blush a deep red, knowing exactly what you're feeling. "Now, principessa, I want you to focus on the road, and not move, say, or make a sound, alright?" The cowboy seduces, his smooth voice making you want to moan in ecstasy.

Grabbing the reins, you breathe shakily as Gyro flips your hair to one side, kissing your neck. I can't say anything, you think to yourself, and steer Valkyrie to the other side of a falling tree. Gyro hums against you, placing kisses up and down your neck. "Mmmm..." You hum to yourself, trying to restrain yourself from making any sounds. "Doing good, bambina. Just a bit more, huh? When we get back to the camp, I'll finish you off." Gyro smirks, his hands travelling from your waist to your breasts, giving them a light squeeze.

You press against Gyro's body, squirming annoyedly as you bite your lip even harder, trying not to moan the green eyed man's name. He chuckles in reply and presses himself into you in return, his hardened length rubbing against your back. "You know what you do to me, principessa?" He ridicules you, giving you a small nip on your ear. You squeeze your eyes shut, gritting your teeth to stop yourself from moaning.

"Here we are, principessa. See, you did it! I'm so very proud of you." Gyro teases you once again, pressing into your back once more. You moan freely now, the wavy sound coming out of your mouth. "Oh, ho, ho. Don't finish now, principessa. I want to finish you off myself." The Italian cowboy kisses your lips, a firm kiss causing you to almost melt in the hot sun like an ice cream cone.

"I want you to ride me like a rodeo, bambina. I want to feel you on top of me, and I want to see your beautiful eyes roll in the back of your head." Gyro pulls you close to him, pushing a small curl out of your face. You blush, sexually aroused, and Gyro smiles, his teeth shining. "Well? Don't keep me waiting for an answer." He growls, and you moan, seeing stars already. "Y-yes!" You practically scream, and he chuckles to himself, picking you up in his arms.

"Alright then, bambina." Gyro smirks, and carries you to his room, locking the door and tackling you with kisses.

"I hope you're ready to ride me like a rodeo." He teases, and you moan in response, taking his hat off of his head and putting it on yours.

You have to fit the part of a cowgirl riding a horse, don't you?

part two out tomorrow lmao

 i'm in pain right now; workouts are a bitch (especially planks; curse planks.)

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