1. (M) 🔞

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I'd been here before.

There was something about
the way the room pulsed and moved around me, the sounds that were so loud there was a ringing in my ears, a splitting
in my skull.

The heat of it was oppressive, the bodies crowded around me, pushing into me, knocking me left and right as I swayed between them, hardly able to
get my footing on the slippery dance floor.

Where was this place?

The scent was familiar.

A heady combination of alcohol, sweat and men men men.

I wasn't sure if I liked it but I liked that I was here.

I knew this place, where was
this place?

And then I saw him.

The him that had haunted my dreams on and off for, what, seven, eight years.

I suddenly knew where I was.

It was my twenty-first birthday.

My two older brothers, Joon
and Tae had taken me out to celebrate and I'd found this guy.

His name escaped me.

Did I even get his name?

He opened his mouth to speak
to me but I couldn't hear him over the noise of the club, the music pulsing and ringing in
my ears but his scent was
there and it was strong.

It was infecting my head,
lifting me off the floor and drawing me closer to him.

We were dancing.

Gosh I missed the feeling of dancing, the freedom in my body, the feeling of having someone else so close to me.

And he was getting closer.

The more we danced, the more the music played, the more I could feel him pressing his body into me, the scent of him filling my head, the feel of his bare
skin against my bare skin, just on our arms, was electrifying.

It sent shockwaves through
my body.

I'd been with plenty of guys before but I'd never had some
one who I was so drawn to,
someone who I didn't want to take my eyes of, someone who
I wanted to press so close to my body that if anyone looked over we'd just look like one person.

I liked being this close to him.

It felt comfortable.

How was it that it felt so comfortable when I barely
knew him, when I didn't even know his name?

"What's your name?"

I asked into the dark but
when he opened his mouth to respond, I couldn't hear him again.

I'd forgotten it.

That's what it was.

I couldn't remember his name and my brain couldn't pull it forward for me. I hated it.

I wanted to know him, I wanted to reach him even so far away
as he was, just living in my
head, I wanted to reach out
and grab him if I could.

I could feel eyes on us as we danced but somehow, it didn't bother me.

There was something about
this guy that made it like there was no one else in the club
apart from the two of us.

I would have preferred that.

I would have been able to talk
to him, get to know him a little better, maybe get his name, his number, something, anything...

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