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I was out on the playground at recess when I saw a commotion on the far side of the playground.

I'd not seen a scuffle for a
little while and immediately
my thoughts went to Ari.

It was instinct.

She was my daughter but that didn't stop the teacher part of me that remembered what a handful she could be.

I ran full pelt across the playground, shouting for them
to break it up but they didn't.

Instead I saw Ari, her body shifting and changing before
my eyes to her wolf form, fur across all her arms, snout lengthened, claws out.

The other kids screamed and
ran, even the kid she was facing.

She was about to give chase when I grabbed hold of her
wrist and stopped her.

When she looked up at me, I
saw her eyes all watery and
sad looking.

She shifted back to her human form, breathing heavily, completely worn out by the whole ordeal.

"Dad, I-"

"You don't call me Dad
here." I growled.

"Mr. Jeon, sir, please, I-"

"We'll talk about it inside."

I said, letting go of her arm mand walking back towards
my classroom.

She followed me, having to take two strides for every one I made.

I couldn't believe she had
done that.

Everything had been so good
or the last month, all that time we spent together outside of school had made her so mellow when she was here, I just didn't understand why she would go
off at someone like she did,
why she would shift when
Jimin and I had told her not to.

We walked into my classroom and I immediately went over
to my desk, sitting in the chair
and leaving her to stand.

She looked frightened, the smallest I'd ever seen her and there was a part of me that
just wanted to hold her and
tell her everything would be
okay, but I couldn't do that.

This was a teachable moment and I had to make it so.

"Tell me what happened."

"It's not what you think, Dad-"

"Mr. Jeon." I barked.

"Mr. Jeon, it's not what you
think, it's not that at all, I was trying to get him to shut up."

"Jih was bullying me again, teasing me like he always does."

I'd spoken to Jimin about Jih
and I'd made sure to keep an eye on him over the last month or so and nothing had happened.

I wasn't calling Ari a liar but maybe with her being a little more docile he wasn't trying
to dominate her so much.

"What did he say?"

She started shuffling her feet
on the spot, suddenly more nervous, somehow even more unsure than she was a few moments ago.

"Ari, tell me what he said to you."

"He was teasing me about
how you were my Dad." she mumbled.

"He was pushing me and pulling my hair and wondering when
my Dad was going to come
and rescue me."

"Did you tell him?"

"No!" She looked incredulous.

"I promise you and Papa I wouldn't so I didn't."

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