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I was on a freaking cloud.

All the way to school I couldn't help but smile, Jimin's kiss
still lingering on my lips, the memories of the weekend, of getting to spend all of this
time with Ari and Jimin.

It was blissful.

I felt happy.

I couldn't remember the last
time I had felt this happy.

I mean I was happy with life most of the time but this was
like seeing color for the first time, everything just seemed more vibrant.

When I walked into the staff room, taking off my coat and scarf, I was quickly cornered
by Holly Hart, probably my closest friend at hybe.

She looked panicked, her green eyes wide, her ginger hair pulled back into a bun so severe it made her look at the worse.

"Jungkook, I think we need to have a quiet word." she hissed.

"And good morning to you
too." I said with a chuckle.

"I take it your weekend wasn't quite as relaxing as mine
was, huh?"

She looked sickened by me.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I'm being serious."


"I know you had a good time,  it's pretty much all anyone at school can talk about." she whispered.

"I'm not trying to freak you
out or anything and I'm sure you're super happy but what
the fuck are you thinking?"

"Holly, I'm going to need a
little more, I've only had one
cup of coffee and it hasn't
quite kicked in yet."

She groaned in frustration.

"I know you were out with Mr. Park and Ari at the weekend."

"Apparently you two looked pretty cozy down at big hit
on Saturday morning."

"Coffee, Danish, cupcakes, it
all looked very homely."

"What are you suggesting?" I said, trying to make it sound
like what she was telling me
was outrageous.

"There is news spreading among the faculty that you have been off gallivanting with Mr. Park
and his daughter which is definitely against school policy and a huge conflict of interest."

"You're her teacher for
goodness sake."

"Holly, I think-"

"I don't think you do think, I think that's part of the
problem." Holly hissed.

"This is huge and could only
get huger if you don't clear
these rumors up." She took a deep breath.

"Look, you're my friend okay?"

"My friend first and my colleague second so I'm worried about
you, I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"I wouldn't."

"Okay." she said.

"All I need for you to do is tell me that nothing is happening between you and Mr. Park and
I'll get off your back."

"I'll also bitch slap anyone who even suggests that there is
from this point forward."

I giggled. "I don't know if bitch slapping people is going to
help either of us." I said.

"Jungkookie come on, be
serious. Just for a second, huh?"

It was a freaking nightmare
that we'd been seen.

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