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I drove back home and slammed the door behind me, falling
back against it trying to catch
my breath.

I couldn't get his face out of
my head.

The way he smiled, the way
my body just reacted to his presence, it was intoxicating
and I sort of wanted it more.

But maybe I'd screwed all of
that up by running away.

That honestly seemed like the most likely thing, Gosh what shower if shit this was.

How could he have been right under my nose this whole time?

It didn't make sense.

I'd been waiting all this time
and he was right there waiting for me and he'd been teaching Ari.

How many opportunities had
we missed?

How many days had passed
us by?

It was horrible and my whole body ached with the hurt of it.

That wasn't it though.

I'd never felt like this before, never had a heat quite like it,
the sweat pouring across my body, the adrenaline firing through every single limb,
every single muscle.

I could hardly catch my breath.

I sat staring at the screen, at
the cursor blinking, waiting
for me to do something.

But I couldn't.

Jungkook had filled my head
with so many questions so
many thoughts, that I
could barely function.

How was I supposed to get
out of this?

Was I supposed to just never
see him again, never go anywhere near the school?

How would I even begin to manage that?

How would I even stop myself from wanting to go there, from wanting to be near him when that was all I wanted right now?

I shook my head and opened up the IM on my computer, starting a chat with my publisher.

I couldn't work like this, not today. I only hoped he would understand.

Hello hobi, sorry to message
you out of the blue like this.

I know you were expecting the latest draft of the new freeLuca book but I have had a pretty huge family issue come up.

I'm so sorry to do this to you.

I'll just need a couple more days, if that's okay. Do let me know.

All best,


I hated doing this to hobi.

We'd been working together for the past eight years, me editing pieces for him and now me writing the freedom series on
a freelance basis.

They were a pretty popular
series of YL novels and they were giving us both a steady income, so I was thankful to have them.

But today i just needed a bit
of a break.

I needed to get my head around all of this and figure out what the hell I was going to do about it.

Sometimes I hated that so many of my friends had moved away from here after college and
the ones that were still here I
hardly had time to see anyway.

I just needed someone who
could tell me what to do, how
to act in all of this.

The last thing I wanted was to lose out on Jungkook all over again but I didn't know what
he wanted either.

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