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I'd definitely had better days
in the classroom.

It was the first day of the New Moon so I knew that the behaviors of some of the kids
I suspected were wolves in class would be a little over the top intense but I hadn't considered quite how bad it would be.

There was a boy named Jih who spent most of the day practically climbing the walls until he
could get outside at recess.

It was like he'd gone feral and I made sure to tell him so every time I had to reprimand him.

But it was hard.

The more alpha these little wolves were, the more run around they were giving me.

Then there was Park Ari, who seemed to be on another level
to everybody else today.

I'd hardly been in the room for
a few minutes before she was exchanging harsh words with
Jih and some of the other kids.

I dreaded to think what would happen if I wasn't there.

My presence seemed to be the only thing keeping her in check, a more senior alpha the only thing stopping her from taking control of the whole class.

"Park Ari." I barked as she stepped dangerously close to Jih.

"That's enough."

"But Mr. Jeon he-"

"I don't want to hear it." I interrupted.

I knew Jih was an absolute horror, always getting on Ari's back but she needed to learn that overpowering him wasn't always the way.

There were better ways to
deal with him.

"Mr. Jeon listen, Jih won't
leave me alone and I was just-"

"Ari, I said that's enough,
please return to your seat."

She stared me down for a moment, squaring off her shoulders, looking me right
in the eyes.

And there was that connection again, that little spark that passed between us that told
me she was one of my kind.

I totally got where she was coming from and I remembered being like this as a kid too, not taking no for an answer if I thought I could get an upper hand on a grown up.

I enjoyed the challenge and
from the little smirk twitching
at the corners of her mouth, I could tell she did too.

She didn't seem like she was about to back down and she opened her mouth to speak again.

I had to put a stop to this.

She had to learn.

"If you don't knock it off, I will have to call home to your parents." I growled.

"This is your last warning Park Ari, I won't have any more of
this from you."

"Call home." she shrugged.

"See what happens."

But she returned to her seat all the same, leaving Jih be and I didn't hear a peep out of her until recess was called and I
was sure she was one of the
first ones out of the classroom.

Maybe it would have scared
her into making a change, at least for today.

Perhaps it would be worth
talking to her parents anyway.

Even just a little nudge to let them know that her alpha behavior was becoming a little more pronounced might change the way they did things at home and therefore, change how
she was in class.

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