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"Ari." I shouted up the stairs.

She should have been out of
bed by now.

I'd been up to wake her, I'd made sure her eyes were open and she was getting herself together before leaving her because I knew what she
was like.

But she was being particularly stubborn this morning.

"Ari!" I called again.

"You need to get your butt down here and get ready for school!"

"Papa, I'm busy!" She shouted back and so it began.

The challenge always began at this time of the morning when there was something more fun for her to be doing than getting ready for school and no matter how hard I tried I never
seemed to win.

She would challenge, I would fight and it would end with me bundling her into the car
anyway, probably running late.

If she wasn't so completely adorable and loving I would probably find it annoying.

The girl was an alpha through and through and while I was proud of her that it meant she wouldn't let anyone step all over her, I could certainly do with a little bit of help in putting my foot down with her of the morning.

"If you don't come down here
in the next five seconds, I'll
come up those stairs and
get you myself!"


Perhaps she was considering it.




Still nothing.


This wasn't going to end well
for either of us.


Okay then.

"1." I called, here we go.

"Okay Ari, here I come."

"No, Papa, no, I don't want
to go to school!"

Something crashed in her room, a clatter of plastic toys over plastic toys, of books being pulled from her shelves, of
chaos exploding all around her.

I ran up the stairs as quickly
as my legs would take me, bursting into her room to find
her standing in the middle of
the madness, her blonde hair sticking out at odd angles where she hadn't brushed it, her Paw Patrol pajamas still on, her face
a little blotchy and red from all the effort.

She looked up at me with her adorable blue eyes, tears
rushing to them.


"No, Papa, please, playing is so much more fun than school!"

"I thought you liked Mr Jeon."

"I do Papa but we could stay here and play instead, don't
you think that would be fun?"

she flashed a grin at me, the type of grin that probably
meant she could get away
with anything at school.

Damn those adorable blue doe eyes and that cheeky little
bunny smile of hers.

"Ari." I repeated a little more stern.

"This isn't a negotiation, you need to get ready for school."

"Five more minutes?" she grinned.


"Ari, no, come on, come downstairs and have some breakfast." She stayed still, having absolutely none of it.

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