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He hung up before I had a chance to protest, before I had
a chance to defend myself, to
tell him that I had no idea what he was talking about and that
I wanted to help him figure this thing out.

Maybe he just needed some time to cool off. That had to be it.

He just needed some time to decompress and then he'd call and apologize.

But he didn't call for the rest
of the day.

I pretty much sat and waited by the phone, feeling it vibrate in my pocket when it hadn't really, thinking every email was from him, he never emailed so that made no sense and just hoping and praying a message would come through.

Then Ari came home she told me that he hadn't come back to the classroom after recess and I started to get a little worried.

Had he been fired?

Had he been fired because of
me or because of something
he thought I'd done?

That was the last thing I
wanted to happen.

I was distracted for the rest of the evening.

I found myself going through the motions when it came to making dinner, to getting Ari ready for bed, to doing anything at all.

I debated calling him but
thought maybe he still needed time to cool off and get over it
so I took myself to bed early,
not that I could sleep.

I expected to wake up the following morning to an apologetic text off him or some thing but there was nothing at all, just radio silence, which made a darkness settle in
my gut.

He'd been so good to me over the past few days too.

We'd been great in fact.

I'd come down with something that was making me feel a little iffy in the mornings but he'd been fine to look after Ari and make sure she had breakfast

and got to the school bus on time, It was weird waking up here without him.

I struggled to remember the last time I spent a night without him.

Just think about it made me
want to cry.

I got up, quickly hurrying to the bathroom to throw my guts up before getting Ari up and
ready for school and out again.

My whole body hurt and the smell of the eggs I'd made Ari
for breakfast were really playing havoc with my stomach.

Even as I walked back into the house the lingering smell of
them made me want to throw
up all over again.

I cleared them up, balking at the sight of them on the plate, the leftovers, trying not to vomit as
I cleaned it all up, wiping down the table, clearing the kitchen.

It was weird.

I'd never had an aversion to eggs before and now just thinking about them made me feel sick.

I stopped mid thought.

I stopped with a cloth in my hand and a panicked feeling gripping hold of my chest like a claw.

Was I...?

Surely not.

I thought it through.

I tried to remember if we'd ever used protection when we slept together but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Could we really have been that stupid?

We'd been stupid enough to
do that eight years ago, why wouldn't we end up doing that again.

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