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We pulled up outside Big hit
and as I expected it would be
on a Saturday, it was pretty crowded in there.

We got out of the car and I walked them to the front door
to see Jin behind the counter serving people with a big smile
of his and Jonica, a stunning, Hispanic girl who he hired a couple of years ago, making drinks for people and bussing tables.

I was surprised that Jimin had never been here, it was the
only place in town that had a decent cup of coffee and decent pastries, all made on the premises and super delicious.

Though I guess he'd been pretty busy being a Dad instead of going out to get coffee and stuff.

The thought that we might have bumped into each other sooner made my heart hurt.

I needed to stop focusing on
how much time we'd lost, if I didn't stop I'd drive myself nuts.

"Wow!" Ari said as we walked through the door.

"It's so pretty and it smells like donuts and pastries and sugar!"

She was wide eyed and staring
at everything like she was in Disney World or something.

It was quite something to see
her this way.

I don't think I'd ever seen
her that happy while we were
at school.

When they saw me walking in, Jin and Jonica excused themselves from behind the counter, leaving some of the other workers to get on with it.

I wrapped Jin in a hug and he couldn't seem to be able to
take the grin off his face.

He knew exactly what this was and maybe the smile on my
face gave me away too.

"Who's this?" Jin said, grinning broadly.

He knew exactly who it was, he just wanted the introduction.

"This is Park Jimin." I said.

"Jimin, this is Jin, my best friend of, what is it now, ten years? I can't seem to get rid of him."

"And this is Jonica." They both said their 'Hellos' in turn.

"And who is this little sweetheart?" Jin said, bending down to greet Ari.

"Park Ari." Ari said defiantly.

"I like your shop."

"It smells like unicorns."

Jin couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you so much."

"Well, given that you seem to
be the expert on these type of things." he said with a false sort of grandeur that made Ari crack into an even broader smile.

"Would you like to come with
me to make some cupcakes?"

"We need to make them extra sparkly and extra unicorn-y and
I think you might be just the little girl to help us."

Ari gasped and turned to Jimin.

"Papa, can I? Please?" She looked so excited she might burst.

Jimin turned to me.

"Only if it's okay, I don't want
to impose." he then turned
to Jin.

"I don't want you to have to
feel like-"

"You're not twisting my arm or forcing me to do anything." Jin said with that easy smile.

"We need help with the cupcakes Ari seems to know what she's talking about." He lowered his voice.

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