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The summer air was hot and thick, even as night fell but
the sky was clear as anything, the stars twinkling brightly alongside a full moon.

I could hardly believe we had made it this far, that soon we would be bonded for life and I would get to run with Jungkook and his pack.

We were at The Lodge, a little community building on the outskirts of town, where the
light pollution was lessened
and we could have a party.

We'd been planning this for a couple of months now, though
I got the impression that Jungkook has been planning
this day for most of his life.

I was nervous.

In fact, nervous didn't even begin to cover it, I was absolutely terrified.

I'd never run with a pack
during a full moon before and this was going to be a big
night for both of us.

It was hard to believe that we were actually here.

I'd been at The Lodge for a couple of hours now, getting myself ready in the park/groom quarters separate from Jungkook.

It was certainly a little bit weird because, while he had his brothers and Jin and Jonica here with him, it was only me and
Ari representing my side of
the family.

I was being let into their pack, really and it was a weird sort of feeling. I'd not been part of a pack since I was very small and
I hardly remembered it.

That wasn't to say I was complaining.

Tae and Joon had treated me
like a brother since the talent show and I gladly called Jonica and Jin friends.

Jonica actually looked after the kids whenever Jungkook and
I wanted some alone time.

I looked at myself in my suit once more. I looked smart.

I looked like a man who was about to have a bonding ceremony.

If I could just stop sweating long enough to enjoy it and actually look nice in the pictures, that would be fantastic.

There was a knock at the door.

Jin poked his head around to
look in.

"Gosh, you look fantastic." he said.

I couldn't suppress a smile.

"They're ready for you."

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous
I might vomit." I said.

He laughed, which made me
feel a little easier.

"If it makes you feel any better, Jungkook looked a fantastic shade of green when I left him."

I laughed too because it actually did, At least I wasn't the only one getting nervous about this.

As I stepped out into the main hall of The Lodge, a gorgeous barn looking building, music started to play and everyone
who was there stood up and looked at me.

Jungkook was already waiting at the front with his two brothers and Jin on one side, Jonica,
the twins and Ari who had
been the flower girl for the ceremony on the other.

There was a muscular looking man in the middle called Jackson who would be performing the ceremony.

But I still couldn't believe this was happening to me.

"Oh wow." Jungkook said as I reached the front.

"You look fantastic." he said, tears springing to his eyes.

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