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I hung up the phone and sat back down at my desk, taking
a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

What had just happened?

I'd heard that voice and been suddenly thrown off balance.

I knew that voice, didn't I?

I'd heard it somewhere before.

I couldn't place where though.

It woke up something inside
me that had been lying
dormant for a really long time.

The wolf that had been prowling my veins just a few moments ago faded away and I was left feeling a little out of breath
and a lot confused.

Who was Park Jimin and why
did I know that voice?

Was I losing my mind?

It certainly felt that way.

I needed to shake it off.

But there was something about that voice, something about the way he spoke to me that was
so familiar, like he was reaching into the deep recesses of my head and trying to pull me
back to something.

I couldn't place it though.

I was probably being stupid.

I was probably exhausted from not sleeping last night and having that awful dream
that seemed to haunt me.

I shook it from my head and put the phone back in my desk draw.

Recess had finished and the kids had gone to have their art class, which gave me a good amount
of time for planning and
marking before Jimin got here.

I got through the kids books from yesterday and was about
to start on my planning
when I caught a scent.

Or at least I thought I did.

It was sweet, a little bit sickly and heady so much so that it made me feel a little dizzy even though I was sitting at my desk.

I leant back in my chair,
gripping hold of the arms
to steady myself.

This didn't seem right, this
didn't seem right at all.

I hadn't scented my mate
this close by before.

If I was right and my fated
mate was the guy from all of those years ago, then was it possibly he was here now?

Was I imagining things?

Damn, this whole day seemed
to be throwing me off balance.


I was torn between following
the scent and finding the guy
or staying here and waiting
for my meeting.

The sensible part of my head
told me to stay here, to wait
for someone to tell me that Mr. Park had arrived, to do my job, to keep my kids safe, all of that stuff but I didn't want to listen
to that part of my head.

I'd not scented my fated mate for eight years and it was taking every little bit of strength I had not run out of here to track
him down. .

Every day that ticked by was another day that our pack was
in danger of becoming extinct.

I was one of the lucky ones
who seemed to have their
fated mate close by.

What if this was my last
chance to find him?

I couldn't just throw that away.

I would never be able to
forgive myself if I did.

I was about to stand and follow the scent when there was a knock at my door.

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