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When the door opened and Mr. Jeon entered, I could hardly believe my eyes.

It wasn't just the fact that Ari's third grade teacher was so young and attractive looking and by attractive looking I do mean
jaw hitting the floor and
drooling level of attractive.

He was wearing a pair of chinos and a t-shirt (which seemed awfully casual for a teacher, if you asked me) but it showed off how his biceps bulged and his chest was so tight and strong.

Then there was his face, all angles and dark doe eyes and
a jawline so sharp it could cut somebody.

I'd expected him to be old.

Or at the very least older.

He looked younger than me.

But it wasn't just that.

It was the fact that I recognized him and that my entire body reacted to his presence in the room like it knew.

I mean, of course it knew, it knew before I did but there was this magnetic pull between us that had existed for our whole lives, that would lead me back
to that first meeting eight
years ago.

My fated mate.

I could hardly catch my breath, the air room suddenly think and soupy, my brain running at a million miles a minute.

Sweat broke out on my forehead, my entire body becoming hot just by being in his presence.

My heart pounded in my chest, reaching for him, every muscle in my body aching to be near him.

How was this possible?

After all of these years, after all of this time, how could he have been right under my nose this entire time?

It felt so impossible, so unlikely that I was trying to talk myself out of it in my head.

But every time I did I remember the face that I had seen all those years ago, the scent that had filled my head, the way we'd danced, the way we'd kissed,
the way we'd touched.

I could hardly control myself.

My body went into overdrive
and I wanted nothing more than to please him or to be near him, and I found myself standing up to greet him, shaking his hand, praying he wouldn't see the
fact that my cock was rock
hard and wet, so very wet.

Jesus fucking Christ, how had
I not known this before?

All the warning signs had been there.

The fact that I got all flustered and anxious whenever I got
close to the school, his voice down the phone, how could I have ignored it?

Did I just think that my fated mate was so far away that
none of this could happen?

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

And it hit me like a wave, the realization flooding over me.

He wasn't just my fated mate.

That was enough for me to deal with anyway, enough for me to try and wrap my head around that he had been within touching distance this whole time but
he was Ari's father.

I'd sent out that "Missed Connections" ad after we'd been together and I'd found out I was pregnant but I didn't think for one second he would be so close, that our paths would cross again.

I thought I would spend the rest of my life missing him yet here he was stood right in front of me.

I could hardly believe my luck that I'd found him, I could
hardly believe that the universe had been so kind and yet cruel
to have him teach her this
year, to be so close to her.

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