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"It's nothing to worry about honey." I said, passing a cup
of coffee to Jungkook and then taking one myself, heading
over to the breakfast table.

Ari followed me carefully, still occasionally eyeing Jungkook
as if he was about to jump at
her or something.

It was really unsettling.

For one thing I wasn't sure if,
in a fight, Jungkook would
even win against Ari.

"Tell me, Papa." she said, sitting on a chair next to me, eyeing
up the cereal.

She couldn't decide where her focus should be, on me or on
the cereal.

"This is weird, you know it's weird otherwise you wouldn't
be acting weird."

I looked over and Jungkook
who was sipping on his coffee.

"She's a smart kid." I said
with a shrug.

I didn't even know I was acting weird and she'd already
clocked it.

"What are you telling me
for?" he spluttered.

"I teach her, I know you can't
get a damn thing past her."

"You're not allowed to say
damn." Ari said with a smirk.

"You're not allowed to say
damn." Jungkook parried and actually got a smile out of her.

"What's going on?" Ari asked again, banging a fist on the table.

I took a deep breath and took hold of her hand.

"I have something I need to
tell you honey." I said softly.

"It's quite a big thing but I
think it's going to make you pretty happy."


"You know Mr. Jeon." I said.

"Duh." she snarked.

"He's right there."

"Why is he in our kitchen?"

"Well, he's not just your
teacher." I said, taking a deep, shuddering breath.

I couldn't believe I was about
to say it out loud.

It was all i'd really ever dreamed of being able to say to Ari, of being able to tell her that we
had a complete family now.

"Mr. Jeon is your Dad."

Her jaw dropped, her eyes bulged, she looked confused.


"I only found out
yesterday." I said.

"So it's all very brand new to
me too."

"I didn't want to keep it from
you any longer because this is news for you as much as it's news for me."

"I can't believe it." she said,
her face splitting into a grin.

"I don't just have a papa
now, I have a dad too!"

She squealed and leapt off her chair, running over to Jungkook in the kitchen and hugging
him tight.

She was crying, little streams
of tears running down her face
as she grinned and grinned and grinned.

She looked as if her face might split in two and it was all I
could do not to cry with her.

She looked how I felt on the inside.

"This is everything I ever
wished for Papa."

"You wanted Mr. Jeon as your Dad?" I blinked.

"I knew he was a good teacher and that you liked him but I didn't think you liked him that much."

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