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I sat bolt upright in my desk chair at the mention of hybe Elementary School.

My chest suddenly felt tight,
the haze, the cloud that had been circling my head earlier
on this morning suddenly returning with full force.

I took a deep breath, trying
to get my voice back to that chirpiness, that brightness
it'd had before.

But I was in a panic now.

I wanted to ask if something
had happened to Ari, I wanted
to ask if I needed to come down to the school straight away or
if I needed to meet him at the hospital.

I was hot and achey and I
could feel myself spiralling.

Pull yourself together Jimin for goodness sake!I told myself.

"Oh my God, is something wrong?" I said, unable to keep the quiver out of my voice.

The line went quiet for a
moment and I could feel the
heat rising in my body, the tension, the horror that some thing had happened to Ari
and he was trying to find a
way to tell me.

Why wouldn't he work out
what the fuck he was going
to say before he got on the phone with me?

This was torture!

"Mr. Jeon?" I looked at the
phone to check the call was
still connected.

It was. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Mr.. Jeon?!" My brain was
going completely haywire.

"Mr Jeon, is Ari okay?"

"She's fine." he said, quickly,
his voice squeaking a little..

Must be part of the teacher training when something has happened to someone's child.

"There was an incident at
school today concerning Ari."

"There have been a few incidences but I thought I would be able to hold off until parents evening before we talking about it but it looks like we can't."

"Oh?" I managed.

The way his voice buzzed through the phone, the way it snaked its way down the line
and into my ear, into my brain,
it was familiar, it was rumbly
and deep.

I could have sworn I had heard
it somewhere before but I just couldn't place it.

Whatever it was, there was
something about it that my body didn't like because I suddenly felt like I needed to lie down again.

"What's the...uh...what's the problem?"

"There are some behavioral problems that seem to be
coming to the fore as she
grows up." he said.

Gosh that voice, where was it from?

"As I already mentioned, there was an incident at school today and I wanted to speak with
you about it at your earliest convenience."

"Of course."

"I totally understand." I said.

"Is today okay?"

"I could come in today."

"Now actually, Now is good."

"Now is perfect." he said and
I could hear him smiling down the phone, a slight rumble in
his voice that made my head
feel funny.

"It's quite sensitive and I
think it would be good for
us to talk about it in person."

"Like I said, I wanted to wait
for parent's night but I don't think it can really wait."

"That's absolutely fine." I said.

"I'll set off now, I can be
with you in about half an
hour, does that suit?"

"Absolutely." Mr. Jeon replied.

"My class is in an art lesson
in half an hour so I will have plenty of time to speak to
you about it."

"I'll meet you in the school
office, okay?"

"Thank you." I breathed a heaving sigh.

"Sorry for getting a little panicked there."

"I'm sure you get this all the time, parents worried about
their kids being in danger when you phone them and say that you want to talk about their kid."

"Gosh. I'm sorry."

He laughed and my heart skipped.

"That's perfectly alright." he

"Please, call me Jungkook."

"The Mr. Jeon thing just
makes me sound plain old."

"Okay, Jungkook." I said, his name feeling strange in my mouth.

"You can call me Jimin." I said.

"I'd prefer that too."

"Lovely, I'll see you in half
hour, okay Jimin?"

"No problem Jungkook, I'll
see you then." I said and hung up the phone.

I didn't waste any time.

I returned to the writing I had been doing since I woke up
from my nap, a solid amount
of words that would certainly keep my editor happy and
saved it before shutting down.

Quickly I pulled on a button down shirt to make myself look
a little more presentable and barrelled out into the car.

My body was on fire and aching like crazy, adrenaline firing through every muscle but I
had to get to school and
make sure Ari was okay.

God I hoped she was okay.

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