9. (M) 🔞

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It was a dream come true.

This was going to happen.

My fated mate and I.

I could hardly believe it.

We started to make our way through the house.

He was partly leading, I was
just kissing him, touching him, desperate to feel him.

He was doing the same to me.

We knocked into the coffee table and stumbled onto the sofa, him on his back, me falling on top
of him.

He laughed and it was the most joyous sound i had ever heard, just ringing out and to the
sky, his entire face lit up.

I wanted to cry but now
wasn't the time to cry.

I crawled towards him and pecked him softly on the lips, looking down into those
piercing blue eyes of his.

He looked up at me and I swear
I could have stayed like that forever, just looking at him.

There was so much to look at,
so much that I hadn't looked at.

I didn't want to waste a second.

He started to lead me again, pulling me past the sofa and through the kitchen, his hand now pressed firmly into mine,
his fingers filling the spaces between mine as if they were made to fit there, as if that's where they belonged.

He opened the door to what I assumed was his bedroom, the blood still pounding in my ears and everything seemed to go quiet, just for a moment.

I took it in.

I didn't know why I felt the
need to take it in but I did.

It was like I was trying to know him more with every passing second.

If i hadn't been so caught up
in kissing him, perhaps I would have paid more attention to the living room, to the sofa, to the actual door or something but here I was looking at his bedroom.

The walls were navy blue, the moonlight pouring in through
the open curtains.

There were books on his bedside table, a couple of them with
page corners turned down, the corners of the front covers a
little bit dogeared from being carried around in bags or maybe even dropped in the bath.

It was incredibly tidy, even the bed was made and all I wanted to do was mess it up, trash it.

He turned on the lamps at either side of the bed and I took him in.

I took in his face, that little sparkle in his eyes that told me he was excited to do this.

The bulge in his pants.

The bulge I was determined
to set free, determined to
make mine.

I pulled off my shirt and advanced on him again, pulling him into a tender kiss, taking a moment to lift his shirt over his head, to snake my arms across his back and really feel him, feel the connection with his soft skin.

I loved feeling his chest close
to mine, our two bodies pressed
so close together they could almost be one.

It made my skin pop with goosebumps just being this near him, just holding him this tight.

Tentatively, I reached down for the waistband of his sweats, knowing I was definitely pushing my luck here but he didn't
stop me.

I slid them down, letting gravity do the rest and let them fall
to the floor.

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