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I knew I should have stopped him, I knew I should have chased him to the car park
and told him everything I was feeling in that moment but
I was at a loss for words.

I had so many questions about the last eight years, where he had been living, everything he had done, what he'd done when he'd found out he was pregnant.

I felt terrible.

If I'd known, I would have been there and I cursed my reckless, young self for not staying in touch with him or getting his number or doing something
other than just sleeping with
him in a club.

It felt so sordid now.

It had been one of the best nights of my life and I'd
missed out on so many other nights with him all because
of a stupid mistake.

I'd missed out on eight years with my fated mate.

I'd missed out on eight years with our child.

That was a hard pill to swallow.

Somehow I managed to carry
on with the school day, thankful for the distraction from all of
the things buzzing around in
my head.

The kids were okay this afternoon, even Ari seemed
to have mellowed out after
what had happened at recess.

That connection that we'd had wasn't just because we were both werewolves, not at all.

It was because we were blood.

She was family and I hadn't
even realized.

If I'd have been more perceptive, more curious maybe I would have figured it out by now.

I watched her extra closely
that afternoon, watched the
way she stuck her tongue out
the side of her mouth when she was concentrating, something
I used to and probably still do, the way she would give me
that challenging look that I recognized so easily as my
own when I was a child.

I'd missed so many signs.

Maybe I hadn't wanted to
see them.

Maybe not seeing them
meant that my heart wouldn't hurt like it did right now.

I didn't stick around for too long after school let out, not today.

Normally I would stay and do some marking or plan some lessons for next week but it
was Friday afternoon and
the day had made me tired.

I couldn't face another
minute in there.

I hurried out not too long after the children, climbing into my
car and plugging my phone
in to the speaker.

I did the thing that I always did in situations like this, when I
felt at a loss and I called my brothers on conference call.

"Kook." Tae said brightly.

"To what do I owe the

"Are you calling to invite me
out for a drink tonight or some
thing because I'm pretty
wiped from today, dude?"

He thought he was wiped out?

Jesus Christ did I have a
story for him.

"Tae?" Joon piped up.

"I thought it was Kook calling."

"What is happening?"

"Have I finally cracked?"

"What do you mean
"finally"?" Tae quipped.

"I called you both." I said, not able to stifle a slight laugh.

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