Chapter 8

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"Your's" Sky said, her voice full of purpose "The clocks had all stopped at August 9th- two months ahead- yesterday!" she then proceeded to google the date on her identical phone she'd taken and hotspoted from the school. "Thought so! Your phone says it's June 10th but the mine says 10th of August- Makayla your birthday!" how did she know my birthday? Turning down my street I said "SHUT up! Stop messing with me- at that moment my other phone went off playing an an alarm tune- happy birthday- "That's the phone I found near my bag, the bag was were we sat but I had my bag on my back, back at school- its identical to mine!" I shouted. Hastily I pulled up and parked the car, taking my seatbelt off I stepped out and unzipped my right pocket, pulling out the Identical phone. Unlocking it I gave it to Flic, she hotspoted it and googled the date.

They all shouted "No way!" and then bailed out of the car. Flic grabbed my original phone off of Sky and held them up, the same, same date- but two months apart. "Wait! Have you watched Nowhere boys-at all? I shouted suddenly getting a ludicrous idea. "I- I- I can't- I can not be out here anymore, just follow me around the side- we'll go in through the back " I blurted out "we can get in through the back". I led them behind the front garden and through the secret gate behind it, we continued up the side of the house until we reached the backyard.

Suddenly out of nowhere, barking and excited my familes dog appeared in a streak of white followed by two chickens- after not being fed for a day I was marvelled how she hadn't eaten them. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Maya!- she stopped barking and pranced over to me like the half show dog she is and started licking me. "You've met Flic, but be nice to the others" as if on cue she wiggled her way out of my arms and over to Sky demanding a belly rub. "Some protector you are" I mumbled while Sky and Flic laughed, Maya moved on to Aquilla demanding more pets.

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