Chapter 16

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"Makayla! You okay! I saw you get dumped by a wave- you just stood up and froze, I thought some was wrong!" Sky screamed as she waddled in waist deep to me, the others not far behind. I waited till they all were with me. "GKI- Great Keppel Island! Do you see any power lines running across the ocean!" I shouted. "Uh no! Why would there be? it's an island" Flic ask confused. "Exactly! ITS AN ISLAND!!- Sky's face went blank then red as she face palmed her forehead-" Last time I went there it had running power!" I exclaimed trying to clue them in. Finally they got it and Aquilla said " of course it must run on solar power!" and with that we were out of the water and on our way back to the house to figure out how to get there.

I pointed to a boat on a map Flic had pulled up on google maps on one of her hotspoted ipads. "There! That's the Freedom Fast Cat ferries! There HUGE boats so we don't have to worry about the size of the boat and how much we take but we do have to worry about what day we go over, the wind and waves out in the open sea won't be as they are here on the shore- they be even rougher. We'll  have to wait a few days for it to die down otherwise I don't want to be steering a boat the size of a two story building in waves and wind that would make us like a ball on a bat" I explained. "So the winds that bad huh?" Sky asked. "What she means is yes we can make it but we'll get tossed around like a rag doll" Flic pitched in. "And I for one don't want to be sea sick!" Aquilla mussed, sitting opposite me on the other end of the couch. Flic and Sky grunted their agreement- why was I the one who didn't get sea sick or car sick but got sick randomly.

The next few days the wind picked up and died down but still out in the open ocean the waves roared, two meters high and smashing into eachother sending water spraying everywhere. Yesterday we took a trip down to Roslyn Bay in case the weather was good, we stayed in the hotel my Unlce had his wedding at a couple years back- even more odd I stayed in the exact room we had been in. Finally the waves and wind had calmed down enough, why are Friday's always the best days- anyways we packed our stuff and headed for the Marina 1. "Eenie meenie miney mo! I chose......the biggest one! The Freedom Monarch!" I shouted pointing and ran down the metal gangway to the gigantic three story boat.

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