Chapter 9

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"Maya here!- I had to whistle to get her away and sit in her bed and also pluck the chickens out of the way-  "ignore the chickens, they only want food. I can use this- i held up an old masterchef spatula thingie with not even a blade- "hopefully I can reach around the the screen and plastic guard to unlock the screen and use this thingie to flick up the lock on the glass doors" I explained as I showed them and nearly breaking my wrist to unlock the screen door, flexing my wrist I opened the door with my other and and started jamming upwards with the thingie. The lock only moving a bit each time. With one last shove upwards I heard the click and pushed the doors apart. "Huh- I guess spatula thingie does work" I marvelled as I placed it on the bench outside and walked inside.

"WOW!"- presents were sitting underneath decorated white blinds that almost took up the whole wall, the blue and gold decorations popping out at you as you walked closser, a thud and a jinggle told me that that someone had shut the doors behind them- " what the heck is in that suitcase!" I exclaimed seeing it against the wall. "You should open them, it's is technically  your birthday- "and no one else is around so?" Aquilla asked her voice full of emotion. "Okay I will, but first let me feed Maya and the chickens, they must be starving" I replied my voice sounding a bit sad eventhough  I didn't want to show how much I was. While I fed the pets they unpacked and set up around the house, we all grouped back around the presents and then I grabbed the first present. The suitcase was heavier than expected.

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