Chapter 13

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After falling asleep from binge watching the first season of Shadow and Bone we all woke up to the early morning birds that everyone hates. While we took turns having showers we each cooked ourselves breakfast and then figured out what we were gona do for the day- I mean it's not like we could just sit and watch live TV all day. "How do you guys feel for a bit of fishing? Relax Flic you'll only spend atleast a minute in the boat to get where were going, im gona be driving, nothing will happen" I asked and explained afer flic had tensed up beside me. "Heh! If your driving that makes it worse! But you are the one out of all of us with the most experience so.... I gues im okay- BUT ONLY FOR A MINUTE!" she expressed. "Sure! Fishing actually sounds fun, I mean we also get to practice more for Aquatic practices, since the barrage has been opened" Aquilla realised. "OH YEAH! This way we atleast get practice- im in!" Sky shouted.

Driving to the boat ramp wasn't the hardest part, the hardest part was getting the boat down and off the trailer. It was such as hassle because one of the rollers that helped roll the boat off was almost snapped in half from being worn-out. But once it was in the water, engine running, everything was fine. The boat rocked side to side,threatening to flip as one person after another hopped in, Flic almost jumped out when she screamed as she almost stepped on the crab pots. "Hey it's only bait and besides if were fishing I'd like to try my luck with the mud crabs as well. I know this area pretty much like the back of my hand so it wouldn't hurt to try" I said filling them and their confused faces in.

Fishing had been a success surprisingly, we'd caught two big enough mangrove jack's (fish) and the next day even more surprisingly Flic actually joined us in collecting the crab pots, we were rewarded with one male buck, big enough to keep. Let's just skip over the part were we almost lost our fingers trying to get them out and into the bucket or back into the water. The last two weeks had been a blast- that also made it 3 weeks now we since we had been away. I was lying on the lounge watching a show when I remembered how me and my little brother used to play on his swtich he coneccted to the TV, an idea popped into my head and all i could think was 'who's gona stop us'. "Hey guys! Who's up for a little shopping?" I yelled.

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