Chapter twelve

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After a full week of trying to keep up with the chaos school seems to bring, eight men who seem bent on keeping my schedule busy, and Eunji breaking into my house every other hour. I'd say I'm pretty tired. Thursday night, I came back from Jeongin's at four in the morning, and woke up at six. 

Yeah, not doing that again. 

Anyways, always love sleeping in. My alarm went off, I've pressed snooze three hundred times. Slept through fourteen calls from Chan, Jeongin, and Seungmin. An ass ton of messages. And finally wake up to the shocking presence of eight men and Kiyo. 

"How the fuck-" I start, but a finger presses against my lips, Chan looks at me with a threatening look in his eyes. 

"Okay, how did you get in here?" I ask, rolling my eyes. Jeongin lays on the floor and looks at the ceiling. 

"You left your door unlocked smart one." Minho answers, holding Maru over his head, making kissy faces and clicking his tongue. 

My mouth hangs open, and I gawk at them. I turn to Seungmin and he nods. 

"That wasn't me, I swear to god I'll kill her." They all cock their heads, and I shake mine. "Never mind, since you're all here, I'll make breakfast." I get up and stalk to the kitchen, taking one of my pans out, and sitting it on top of the stove. 

Seungmin walks in and leans against the washer. 

"Anything I can do to help?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I mean, if you wanted to get the eggs and butter out, I wouldn't complain." I shrug, he scoffs and laughs a little, before walking to the fridge, pulling the sleeves up on his shirt. 


I blink, before noticing I was staring. I shake my head, and keep on with what I was doing before. Eventually though, he walks over to me, and hands me some butter. He smiles and leans on the counter next to where I was working, watching me cook the eggs.

"Anything else?" He leans a little, I look up, and he smirks a bit. 

"Anything you can think of?" I ask, he nods and turns swiftly to my cabinet, pulling fucking rice out. "Rice?" 

"No meal is good without rice." He shrugs, looking for, I'm guessing a rice cooker. He finds one and pulls it out onto the counter. He sighs, and looks at me, looking at him, "Don't burn the eggs." 

I turn, my mouth forming a very clear 'O' shape. I hear him cackle, I furrow my brows and keep on with the eggs. I push them onto a plate, and Seungmin has been washing the rice for what seems like ten minutes. 

"Why are you washing the rice so much?" 

He looks at me and smiles, before turning back to the rice, "Rice needs to be clean, and plus, clean rice is good rice." 

I giggle, he finally drains the rice, pouring it into the rice cooker with a lot of water. 

He turns it on, and then leans on the counter, looking at me for a second. I stare back, and we just sit there, silently.

"So, why did you come to Korea again?" He asks, smiling. I stand up a little straighter.

"Well my school, though very small, gets a ton of international students, so this year they did what I look at as a 'give a penny take a penny' they sent me off, for god only knows why, and that was that." I smile, and shuffle myself to the fridge, pulling out a drink, I hand Seungmin one, and he muffles out a thanks.

"That seems cool, I'd have loved that. But I love what I do so I wouldn't do that now." He takes a long sip from the can.

"What do you do?" I ask, he shrugs.

"Has Innie told you?"


"Then you'll know when you know" He grins and sits his can down. "You have a nice apartment, you should give us a tour" 

I nod, I mean, that seems like a decent thing to do to pass time.

"Yeah sure, okay." I then push myself off of the counter, we walk into the living room, to see the only person awake is Minho, and only because of the cats. 

Seungmin starts screaming and I hit his arm, but everyone wakes up with a shocked expression on every single face. 

"I'm sorry, anyways, do you guys want a tour? I mean, I got a tour of your house, it's only fair that you guys get a tour too." They all stand up and follow me around like ducklings follow their mother.

I lead them into the home office first. Han runs in and starts touching everything, going on about how shiny the wood is. And a recurring thing that happens every time I open a door is Han Jisung touching everything. The only door I don't open in the end, is my little dance room, because why should I? I mean, it's not like any of them would actually find that interesting. Right?

"Why didn't you open that door?" Seungmin asks. Lazily pointing.

"Why should I?" I retort.

"Fair." Seungmin responds, dropping his hand to his side. 

They run back to the living room, leaving me and Seungmin again. He laughs.

I turn around, and he's walking to the door that I never planned on opening today. 

His hand meets the handle, and I jump to him, making him stagger backwards a little bit. slam myself against the door and he stalks back to me.

"Why won't you open that door?" He asks, leaning in really close to my face. 

"Why is it your business what's behind the door?" I ask, cocking my head, and leaning closer. He obviously took that as an insult because he staggers back a step, before grabbing my shoulders and moving me out of the way. 

He gasps, and I rush in after him. I hang my head low and he smiles. 

"Why were you so bent on keeping us out of this room?" He asks, laughing a little. 

"Why were you so bent on getting in?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. 

He shrugs and walks beside me, "You should come and see our dance studio." He smiles, and my jaw drops.

"You have a dance studio?" He nods before exiting and calling behind him to come and eat. 

I had forgotten about food. 

We all sit down and eat, before Seungmin mentions the dance studio. 

"We have a practice today, she could come and watch." Chan shrugs, I smile.

I wasn't planning on doing anything today. But who gives a shit?

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