Chapter 18

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As soon as they leave I turn around and flop onto my couch, who knows how long it'll be before they're done doing whatever shit they have to do that is more important than me, for god's sake. I decide to take this time to call Eunji over, and take her out to lunch.

I waltz over to her apartment in my socks and beat on her door like a mad man, she opens it and opens her eyes. Then makes a pissed face. 

"What?" I ask, before she drags me back to my apartment by my arm. 

We go inside and she slaps me in the arm, not hard but hard enough. 

"Why haven't you been to school lately? Have you been sick, and you haven't called either." She scolds, holding her pointer level with my nose. I dry swallow and open my mouth to say something but she gets a call, she side eyes me and then turns to answer the phone. 

"No. Bye." She hangs up, and then turns back to me.

"Who was that?" I ask, pointing my finger towards her pocket, as she tries to slide her phone back into it. 

"It doesn't matter, you still haven't explained why I haven't seen you at school in FOUR DAYS!" She emphasizes her last words, holding four fingers directly in front of my face. 

"Well, On friday I went to go and watch jeongin dance, and then I don't have an excuse for the other three days, I just wasn't feeling it I guess. I'm Sorry Eunji." I look at the ground and wait for her to respond but she doesn't. I look up and her mouth is wide open, "What?" I ask, she just shakes her head.

"When you say Jeongin, do you mean Yang Jeongin. THE Yang Jeongin?" She has her jaw on the floor and her arms are waving in all different directions.

"Yes Yang Jeongin, and his friends too! They are great dancers. I wonder if they have a cover page." I look at her and she is still gobsmacked. 

"No, they just umm compete for the school. Yes, competitive dancing is a thing here." She nods her head very violently and then takes my arm and leads me out, hurriedly trying to get me to put my shoes on, and grab all of my things, via wallet, keys, phone.

She drags me yet again out to her car, and she drives me to a little brunch place that was a 10 minute drive from the apartment. 

"Oo where are we going?" I ask, peering over the dashboard.

"It  is a brunch place that I go to almost every other day. It's so good. And because you haven't been around for the last four days, you get to pay." She blows a kiss and gets out of the car skipping to the front doors. I slowly get out and follow her up. She gets her 'usual' and I order a squash soup. 

We sit at a little booth next to a window. I peer outside, and Eunji is messaging someone on her phone. I look over and her thumbs are typing really quickly and she has her phone held up to her eyes. I can practically see the smoke coming out of her ears. 

"Are you good?" I ask, pulling her arm down so that she doesn't strain her eyes. She presses really hard and then slams the phone on the table, causing everybody in the restaurant to look in our direction, giving us rude looks. 

"He's just so annoying!!" She rolls her eyes and then lays her head down on the table. I don't press any further, I let her sit there for a while with her head down. Not long afterwards, the food comes. I thank the waitress and shove Eunji's shoulder, trying to get her up. She grunts but quickly stops when she sees the food in front of her face. 

She starts eating and I look out of the window one more time, and see Seungmin and Felix heading to this brunch Cafe. 

"I knock on the window and they smile and wave. They come inside of the restaurant and order their food, before coming and taking a seat at our table. Seungmin slides in next to me and Felix next to Eunji.

"How'd your 'important business' go?" I ask, turning towards Seungmin. He shrugs and Felix rolls his eyes.

"It went well. He's just mad because we had to leave this morning." Felix looks over at Eunji, who is absolutely pigging out on her food and hasn't even noticed the new company. 

I clear my throat and she looks up, then at Seungmin, then Felix. Her eyes widen and then she looks back at me. 

Felix and Seungmin give each other wide eyed looks, and I'm the only one who's confused. 

"What Eunji?" I ask, tapping her on her cheek.

She says nothing and goes back to eating, but more self aware this time around. Soon after Seungmin and Felix have their food and they start eating. I look at Felix properly for the first time, his hair bleach blonde, such a soft and innocent looking person, it's adorable. He has blue contacts in and very whitewashed skin, like scarily whitewashed.

I stop looking and look back out of my window, only to see an ass ton of cameras and reporters. I turn back to my little table of people and 'psst' them to get their attention.

"There must be a celebrity here." I say tapping Seungmin's shoulder. He looks out of the window and his eyes widen in horror. Him and Felix give each other looks.

"SEUNGMIN! FELIX!" Someone from outside yells. 

"And they must have the same name as you two. What a coincidence." I raise an eyebrow and turn back only to find that they've darted and left a little stack of cash. "Weird." I say, turning back to my food and Eunji who is still going at her food like a bad man. 

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