Chapter 20

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The rest of the day after I found out that I'm friends with a whole ass boy group was spent researching their music. I'm not sure how I hadn't heard of them, their music is amazing. Their skill is out of this world. I started as soon as they left, I think you can call me a 'stay' now. 

I message Jeongin with a picture of him with his nostrils flared, and he doesn't respond after reading it for a solid five minutes before simply sending a middle finger emoji. I cackle and sit my phone down on my nightstand. I shut my computer and stretch. I stand up and go to my kitchen and get some water. I lean on the counter and take a long draw from the cup. 

Then a hard knock sounds at the door.

I run to open it, I look through the peep hole, and there stands Kim Seungmin. I open the door and smile, stepping aside for him to come inside. 

"What're you doing here?" I ask, watching him strip off his jacket and shoes. He looks over and shrugs. 

"I guess I just wanted to hang out." he says, moving to sit on the couch. I follow after him. His aura seems off, he seems upset and tense.

"Are you sure nothing is wrong? You seem off." I sit next to him, and he just shakes his head.

"I'm fine," he looks over, and flashes his beautiful smile, "We should cook something." 

"I need to go grocery shopping, if you wanna go out we can get some stuff!!" I say already standing up. He stands up too.

"Let's go then!" he darts for the door. Slipping his coat, shoes, mask and sunglasses on. 

We walk out of the apartment, and go to the little market on the side of the street. He starts picking out the best looking tofu, kimchi, green onions, and an array of different fruits. 

When he catches me trying to slip the lady money to pay, he tuts at me, "Do you think that I'm going to let you pay?" He asks, looking straight at me. His eyes bearing into mine through the sunglasses. He doesn't break eye contact when he slips the lady 50,000 won.

"Such a cute couple, take care of her young man." She points an assertive finger at him and then looks at me, "Come back if he's up to any funny business." 

I laugh and nod at her, then look back at him. He bows and his face flushes red and he quickly thanks her and leads me away. 

He stops at a convenience store and pulls me in, grabbing drinks and other little snacks.

"We are going to watch a movie tonight." He whispers to me. holding his arm out and leading me to the checkout line. He pays and rushes back to my apartment. He sits everything down on the counter and I start unpacking everything. 

"Do you want Kimchi jjigae or something?" I ask looking at the ingredients he picked out. He nods, smiling. I giggle a bit at him before continuing what I was doing. 

I bring the stuff into the kitchen and prepare the ingredients. I start cutting the kimchi, and make the anchovy stock. I grab a pot and put the kimchi and the brine into it with some pork and onion. I cut the green onion diagonally and put it into the pot. I look around and find the sugar, salt, hot pepper flakes, and the gochujjang, and add it to the pot. I measure out sesame oil with my heart and add the anchovy stock. 

When I start turning on the oven and put the lid on the pot, I feel cold hands wrap around my midriff. "Seungmin?"

"Does this bother you?" he asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"No, it doesn't." I feel my face heat up. I find it hard to make the side dishes (BaNG Chan HyunGgg) he turns his face into my neck. My eyes widen, I can feel his hot breath on my neck, steady. If he weren't so close I it would be hard to feel, it's barely there, but it's there none the less. 

"The food smells good." He mumbles into my skin, "Is it almost done?" He asks, I turn around to look at him, definitely not expecting our faces to be so close together.

"Uhm, yeah just about." I mutter, trying to look straight into his eyes and not let my eyes wander. one of his hands move from my waist to my hair. He tucks a loose strand behind my ear, and then slides his hand behind my neck. I let my eyes flash down to hip lips and his do the same. I let our faces come closer to each other, until he's just a little ways away from my lips. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, my mouth goes dry, I only nod, but thats all it takes for him to finally close the space between our faces. It feels like my stomach is twisting into itself. It's not lustful, nor is it desperate. It's sweet. I bring my hands up and pull him closer to my by his neck. his hand slips from my waist to the counter behind me. He pulls away and looks at me and smiles. 

"I think the food is done." He says glancing at the almost boiled over pot of soup. 

"Oh shit." I hurry and turn down the heat and serve it with the rice I made earlier. 

He sits down at the table and I bring him a cute little bowl of Kimchi jjigae and rice. We eat, and make conversation. Not talking about the kiss, but I can tell he doesn't regret it. And neither do I.

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