Chapter four

501 14 6

My eyes flutter open to the feeling of Suho shaking me awake. I rub my eyes, and look at her.

"Why?" She giggles and then says something. But I cannot hear what she's saying. She points at the screen that's on the back of the seat in front of me. I check the time left on the flight, and am shocked to see that there are ten minutes left. 

My eyes widened. I start cleaning up, only to realize, the only thing out is my phone. 

"How long did I sleep for?" I ask, she covers her mouth and shakes with laughter. 

"Like thirteen hours." I audibly gasp. 

"You let me do that? Please tell me that Yujun did give you any trouble. Because I would feel terrible if I slept and you didn't." She points down, to show me a still sleeping baby. 

"After you put her to sleep, she didn't wake up again."

I sigh In relief. 


I jump at the sudden sound, and groggily put on my seat belt. The plane starts veering downwards. I start nodding off, earning a fair slap on the head. I wake up and give Suho a look. She giggles. 

When the plane lands, Suho stands up, and pushes someone to get her bag. I giggle, not expecting her to push someone. She pulls hers down and then mine too. I thank her, and when we are out of the way of everyone, I stop her. 

"Can I give you my number?" I rub the back of my neck, "Just in case, you know?"

She smiles and pulls her phone out of her pocket. She opens her contacts app, and I put my number in, ***-***-****, She smiles and puts my name as Y/N. 

She puts her number in and I put it as 'Suho 🫄"

She laughs and nods as she walks away. 

I take in my surroundings. I'm in South Korea. Incheon National Airport. Everything looks considerably different to the way it does in America. Just sharper and overall better if that makes sense. 

I call for a taxi, but before I get in, I ask how much it would cost, because from what I've heard, some of these men are con-men. 

"300,000 Won. But since you're a student, 250,000 Won." 

I nod. It'll do. Mom gave me a lot of money specifically for this moment. I put my bags in the trunk, and opened the back seat door, his seat has decorative beads on it. I giggle, and he starts driving. I watch outside, seeing the buildings pass, the nightlife buzzing. 

He pulls into my apartment complex car park, I pull my bags out and pay him. He thanks me and I wave. It's difficult to pull the suitcase up the first flight of stairs, but to my relief I found an elevator. 

I step in and check my phone for the floor and door number. 

Floor 4, room 401. 

I punch in the button that has an F and the elevator slowly takes me up. 

When I step out, I look right, then left. My room is all the way down, to the right. When I open the door, I sigh. 

The walls are painted a beige color, and there is a table right as you walk in. The doorway has a cute little shelf painted white, I put my keys down, and pull off my shoes. To my right, there is a kitchen, that has a washing machine and dryer, then to my left there is a beautiful balcony and living room. I find a hallway, and walk slowly, taking in the stunning view the balcony gives me. 

When I get to the hallway, I count seven doors. Seven seems a bit much. 

I run back to my backpack, and grab a notebook, pencil, and tape. I walk back through the hallway, tearing off a piece of paper for each door. 

I stick the first one to the obvious bathroom, whereas there is a toilet and shower. 

The second one is labeled "Study", I open the door and there is a large ceiling-to-floor window and cabinets lining one wall, that had counters underneath. 

Third door I labeled "Library", The room was just big enough to have my fun books and text books. the walls were painted white, the flooring was a hard dark wood, from the ceiling there hung a chandelier. It was just right. 

Fourth room I decided to use as a guest bedroom, it wasn't huge or flattering, but it was enough for someone to sleep in. The walls had previous paint on them, it was one accent wall painted green and the rest, grey. I didn't think it matched well. 

Fifth room, labeled, Was my room. It was a really pretty room, the floors were a medium shade, glossy wood. The walls were a shade of brown. I liked it a lot.

Sixth room, a room that can explicitly be used for game nights and other things. Just a miscellaneous room, nothing special. 

Seventh room. I opened the door, to find a mirror across a whole wall. I grinned and labeled it "studio".

Just as I sat down on the floor, a knock sounded at my door. When I opened the door, I gasped loudly, I couldn't believe it.

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