Chapter nine

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I wake up, not to my mother being excessively loud, but to my alarm. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look around, wondering where I am,  and start panicking. Then calm down, remembering the reason I flew to Korea to begin with. My door pushes open, and I'm met with two kittens licking over my face. 

I laugh and push them off of my face and sit them on my bed, they curl up and go back to sleep. I wish. 

I start getting ready, and then push to my closet, and grab the uniform that was shipped with my schedule sometime Sunday. I slip the skirt on, and button the white blouse up to my neck, pulling down the collar. I run to my bed, and kiss the kittens on the top of their heads. 

I open my door, and walk the steps to Eunji's apartment. I pound the door, and she opens the door, steps out and then we are on our way to school. She pulls me back into the convenience store to pick up some drinks. 

By the time we actually make it to the school, the first bell is about to ring. 

Eunji runs me in and then points in a direction and I follow it. I look down at my schedule for less than three seconds and have already bumped into someone, and rather forcefully too. 

The person's hands go to my shoulders, balancing me. I look up to thank the mystery person only to see a rather foxfaced looking boy staring down and smiling widely. 

"Thank you, I'm sorry for bumping into you, too." I apologize and he shakes his head, holding a hand out, laughing slightly. 

"Don't thank me, are you new?" He questions, tilting his head to the side. 

"Yeah, actually, can you help me find the front office?" I rub the back of my neck and look at my feet. He hops and then pulls my wrist the complete opposite way to where I was headed. 

We end up in a wide room, with four desks in every corner, and one large one right in the center. A short, stubby, lady pops up from behind the counter. 

"Ah, Jeongin, a new friend I see?" She claps her hands together and he nods his head.

"She's new." He deadpans. 

"Oh, well, do you have your schedule? If you do, Mr. Yang here can show you around, I'll enter you in the system-?"

"Y/N L/N." I smile.

"Y/N L/N, you can just follow him, I see most of your classes are with him anyways, what a coincidence." She smiles and motions us out of the office. 

Jeongin, I guess is his name, leads me to the first class that we have, then he takes my schedule. He shows me around, and shows me rooms I didn't know that a school could ever have. Like a two story library, Double gym, music room, art room, and laboratory. By the time he's done with half of the school, It's lunchtime. 

"You should come eat lunch with me." he grins, and throws his backpack over his shoulder. 

I smile, Eunji should be fine, yeah? She has other friends I'm sure.

"Yeah that sounds fun, where to?" I ask, pushing hair out of my face. 

"This little cafe that me and my friends like. It's right on the corner of a street." he motions his hand somewhere, and then drags me out of the school. 

We walk, before entering a very familiar setting, the smell of hand sanitizer and coffee hitting my nose. I sigh, and loudly apparently, because Jeongin laughs loud as hell, drawing attention to the two of us. 

I slap his arm and he pokes me. He steps forward, and orders two black coffees, and cream, 'just in case'. 

He picks up two little sandwiches and looks at me, I nod, and hand him some money, to which he pushes my hand. He makes a gagging motion with his hands and I giggle. We sit down, and make small conversation, until I notice some people looking at us. 

"Why are people staring?" I lean in and whisper.

"I'm hot that's why." He laughs, I roll my eyes and take a long sip from my coffee. 

I ignore everything and everyone and focus on conversing with Jeongin, but people keep coming up to him and asking for a picture or signature. 

He notices me tensing up, and checks his watch. 

"Hey! The lunch period is over in five minutes, we should walk back over, yeah?" 

I nod. 

He guides me back to school, the bell rings, and we are doing another tour.

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