Chapter Sixteen

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 I lean back on the couch, and wait. No less than ten minutes later, there is a very hard knock at the door. When I open it, I am met with eight very smiley faces, holding pillows and snacks. Jeongin pushes through and gives me a bear hug, I giggle, and turn to look at everyone else standing out in the hallway of my apartment building. 

"Well? Come inside, don't stand there." I open the door, and pull Jeongin and myself out of the way. Everyone flocks in, taking seats on my couch, and the love-seats surrounding it. When I got in there, there was only one seat left, and it was in between Jeongin and Seungmin. Jeongin pats the seat next to him, and I have no choice but to go and sit there. 

I pull Jeongin's blanket off of him and put some of it on me, because who needs that big of a blanket to themselves. I grab the remote and start scrolling through movies that  I have saved on Disney Plus. Eventually we are narrowed  down to three movies. 

Aristocats (who do you think chose this?), Mulan, and Beauty and the Beast.

But ultimately, everyone gives in on Minho's pick and we settle for watching a movie about cats. As the intro plays, he zones in on only the movie, holding Maru in his lap and Kiyo on his chest, gently rubbing both of their sleepy heads. I'll admit it's not a terrible movie, my child self would have loved it so much. 

About halfway through the movie, I get tired, and don't know which way my head is falling but it's falling, and i'm asleep. 

"I guess the movie wasn't that good, Minho." 

"oh shut up Jisung."

My eyes open (FAke Eyes Open) and my head is flat on someone's shoulder, I look up to Jisung and he's giggling like a maniac (MANiac PInG PIngGG). 

I look at the shoulder that I fell asleep on, the deep blue of the hoodie standing out against the darkness of the room, and trail my eyes up his shoulder, to his neck, to his beautiful brown orbs. 

Kim Seungmin, again.

I quickly collect myself and sit up completely straight.

"Well. Thank you all for coming over!" I brush off my shirt and get onto my feet, "You are all welcome to stay, or leave, there are blankets in that cupboard over there, and pillows in the one over. I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight!" 

I start speed-walking to my bedroom door, but almost trip when jisung shouts at me to take my 'boyfriend' with me.

As soon as I get to my room, I slam the door and slide down, with my knees curled up to my chest and my chin laid atop of them. I run my hands across my face and look out of my window, at the view that spreads across the whole wall. Slowly, I stand up and walk past my desk and to the glass sliding door, and I pull it open I look over the city of Seoul and think about how happy I am to have had the opportunity to come live in a city, country even that brings so much joy and great memories to heart.

My thoughts are interrupted as my phone rings, I pick up and my mother sighs in relief. 

"Ma, hey! sorry I didn't call you earlier."

"No matter, have you eaten?"

"Yes I have"

"That's good, why're you still up anyways, It's late!"

"I was about to go to sleep, thanks for worrying."

"I'll let you go to sleep then, just wanted to check in, love you!" 

I hear her smile in her voice, I know she's proud, but so upset too.

"I love you too mom, have a good day"

And with that she hangs up and I go back inside, I plug my phone in and go to sleep.

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