Chapter Thirty

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James walked up to the steps of the building and sighed. He carefully breathed in and out before he entered the threshold of the building. He walked in and took a seat in the circle. He looked around and saw the various faces of the one in the room. Suddenly, a woman came up to him and spoke with him.

"Hi, my name's Cassandra Banks but most people just call me Sandra. What's yours?" The woman asked. James told her.

"James...James Maxwell." James said. Sandra's face lit up in surprisal. It nearly spooked James.

"Are you by any chance related to an Eileen Maxwell?" Sandra asked. James nodded.

"That's my wife. She's the reason I'm here." James said. Sandra looked at him in worry.

"Really, what's wrong? Is she ok?" Sandra asked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be all nosy."

"No, you're fine. For the most part she's fine. Um, she's in a coma. She had a miscarriage on top of that she had pulmonary embolism. So she's stuck in a hospital room. I promised her and my family that I'd seek professional help so...that's kinda why I'm here." James said. Sandra appeared heartbroken about the whole ordeal. Suddenly the host came and everyone got to their seats.

The host started up the conversation and asked for anyone to talk. James got up and shared his story to which everyone seemed invested in. Partly because one of their own members, Eileen Maxwell was a part of it all. After he spoke, the host told him some advice and James thanked him for it and the meeting continued until it ended.

James walked outside and went towards his car when all of a sudden his phone went off. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello, this is James speaking." He answered. He heard a voice on the other end. It was the doctor and he told him to come to the hospital immediately. He said he would and the call ended. He got into his car and drove towards the hospital. He got there and went inside. He found the doctor and the two walked into a hallway.

"What's the matter, doc? Is everything alright?" James asked. The doctor stared at him in great sadness before telling him the news.

"James....I'm sorry to inform you that Eileen has passed on." The doctor said. James broke down. This was the one moment he was scared of. It finally happened. She was dead. Eileen Maxwell had finally kicked the bucket. And all James could do was get into his car and cry before he informed his mother and sister.

He was in denial but he knew it was true. She was stuck in a room hooked up to machines just so she could breathe. What kind of life was that? It wasn't one he wanted or wished on his worse enemy. He didn't even want to see her corpse. He took the doctor's words per batem and started to drive off.

Suddenly he stopped near a bridge. He got out and looked at it. He could hear the water flowing freely and suddenly he found himself on the edge about to jump off. And as his feet dropped from the edge and he started to fall downwards to his death, he had suddenly become suspended in mid air. He looked up and noticed Clarence was holding onto him, not letting him go. And all James could think to himself was: 'shit, not this fucker again.'

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