Chapter Twenty Six

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James got to his car and turned it on. He turned the radio on and drove back home as the song Beauty School by Deftones played.

Barbara called him on his phone. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello mom." James said.

"Hey, I was just wondering where you were." She said to him.

"Well, I'm on the road right now. Heading home." James said.

"Ok. So, how do you like the modern touch of the town?" She asked him.

"Mom, could we talk when I get home? I wanna focus on the road." James said.

"Ok, I love you." She said to him. James smiled although she couldn't see it.

"I love you, too." James said and he hung up. He drove onto the house while the radio played Heaven (Little By Little) by Theory Of A Deadman.

He turned off the car, got out, and walked up to the house and entered it. He found his mom in the living room, sewing while the TV played reruns of The Red Skelton Show.

"Hi James." Barbara said and she turned off the TV and put her sewing kit away. "so, what'd you want to talk about?" James sat down on the couch and talked to her.

"I went to the park today and I met this peculiar man. His name is Clarence Bogart. And what makes him peculiar is the things he said to me. Somehow he knew about Eileen so I thought he was a family friend or something. But he said he was my guardian angel. Now I know how God is known to transform into things for people to see him and not die or whatever. That's called a theophany. But is it possible that... angels could do it too?" James asked. Barbara shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't look too deep into those things. They often leave me depressed. But I'm sure it's possible. But, the man could've just been a crackhead." Barbara said. James shook his head.

"No, the things he said. He knows me. Personally. Michelle drove by around that time and we got talking. I looked over and the man was gone. Now it's possible the guy could've just wandered off but his's highly unlikely." James said. Barbara shrugged.

"Like I said, I just don't know. But this town isn't necessarily known for its Theo figures." Barbara said. James nodded and leaned back on the couch.

"Could you turn the TV back on? I believe I saw Red Skelton." James said. Barbara smiled and she turned the TV back on.


Later that night, James laid on his bed trying to sleep but couldn't. He got up and picked up a picture that had him and Eileen on it. He smiled at it and started to cry as he thought about Eileen and his father. How much he missed them and loved them dearly. James broke down into tears and cried while holding onto his pillow.

He then pulled himself together and got up. He grabbed his keys and headed towards his shoes to slip them on. He quietly walked down the hallway and made it to the door. He walked out and got to his car and drove away while More Than A Memory played on the radio.

He drove around town and looked at the city's night life. As he drove, he realized he was close to The Josephine Hotel andso he drove over to it to see if he could still catch Michelle and Steve before they left.

He parked his car in a nearby area and watched the hotel rooms to see if he could find Michelle and Steve.

He then saw Michelle closing the trunk of a car, her car, and walking over to Steve. James watched as the two talked to one another before Steve started to act a little suspicious. He seemed to act passive aggressive towards Michelle.

James watched as Michelle told him to stop unto which he started griping at her. James felt his anger  starting to boil. Then, he saw Steve push her onto the ground to which James suddenly got out of his car pissed. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Steve?" James asked angry. Steve looked over at James with a wicked grin on his face. Michelle saw James and immediately felt shock overcome her.

"Well well well, like brother like sister." Steve joked.

"James...what the hell are you doing here?" Michelle asked her brother.

"He attacked you." James said. He was growing angrier and tenser at Steve.

"She was out of line. But your sister does ask a good question: Why the hell are you here?" Steve asked.

"I came to say goodbye. I see that I came at the wrong time. But early enough to stop it. Now don't you ever lay a finger on my sister again in cold nature or so help me God." James threatened Steve. Michelle was shaking furiously. Steve was smiling and finding this whole situation rather funny and satirical.

"I thought you were an atheist, James." Steve said jokingly. Michelle looked over at Steve in offense.

"Steve." Michelle said. Steve looked at her in annoyance.

"Shut the fuck up." Steve said and he spat on her face. James then knocked Steve onto the ground and started to beat him up.

The two wrestled on the ground vigorously and intensely. Michelle watched in horror and tried to get them to stop. Suddenly, there were police sirens in the distance.

"James, please. Stop." Michelle cried. James looked at her and realized she was in tears. James suddenly stepped away from Steve and let him get up. James slowly backed away from the two of them.

"You fucking asshole." Steve said and he spit out the blood in his mouth.

"James, go home and get some sleep. We will take about this tomorrow, alright?" Michelle asked. James nodded and ran off to his car and headed on home.

He banged the steering wheel and yelled at himself on the way back. Tears flooded his eyes and almost his vision. But he was able to somehow control it.

He made it to the house and killed the engine. He walked up to the house and quietly got inside. He silently walked to his room and laid there, reflecting on all that happened. He closed his eyes and fell asleep to the sound of a single word: Coepit.

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