Chapter Eight

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James walked into the hallway and met up with Michelle. He looked her in the eyes and spoke to her.

"So, how's mom holding up?" He asked her. She sighed and answered him.

"Well, she doesn't know what to think. She says that dad just decided one day that he doesn't want to be with her anymore. It's gotta be more complex than that though. They've been together for so long." Michelle said. "What ahout dad?"

"He doesn't want to be with her anymore. He wants to have his own space. He worded it in a way that makes me think he may or may not be contemplating suicide." James said. Michelle put her hands on her head and pushed her hair back.

"God, this is not what I thought I was going to have to deal with, ever." Michelle said. She felt like she was on the verge of tears. She didn't want to cry infront of her brother. She had always seen herself as the stronger one. And if James found her crying, how would that make James feel? Would he freak out? She sucked it up and didn't cry.

"I'm going to take dad on a stroll. Just a quick little walk and see if I can get anything more out of him." James said. Michelle nodded and then stopped.

"Hey, James." She said. He looked back at her.

"Don't do too much." She said. He smiled at her faintly.

"Don't do too little." He said and he went back into the bedroom while Michelle stood in the hallway and pondered whether or not to tell her mother that she was going to be a grandmother. In the end, she didn't.


He walked into the bedroom and told his father that the two of them were going to go for a walk through the park. That was one of his father's favorite spots. To see the wildlife and people admiring it. Mother Gaia at her best, as he always said. So, the two of them got up and left. 

While out, him and his father talked about numerous things such as life, TV, the soon to be grandchild that would bless their lives. And they admired the wildlife around them.

"I actually still love know that, right?" His father asked. James looked at his father and nodded.

"Of course. You two have been my parents my entire life. I knew more than anything else that there was still a love. That's what me and Michelle are here for. To try and rekindle that love that you two had and...stop you from wanting to separate. See if there is anything that can be worked out." James said.

"No counseling." His father said and James nodded.

"No counseling." James said and the tension that had arrived suddenly ceased to be. His father took a seat in the park and looked up at the trees and at the sky. James followed his father.

"Have you ever walked while staring at the sky, feeling as if you'd fall?" His father asked. James thought about it and nodded.

"Yeah, what about it?" James asked. His father kept staring at the sky.

"I wonder why he makes that happen." His father asked.

"Who? God?" James asked. His father nodded.

"Yes, God." His father said. James nodded and shrugged.

"I don't know. I've kind of stopped believing in God and all that." James said. His father stopped looking at the sky and started looking at his son.

"Stopped believing in God? Well, whatever did you do that for? Such a foolish thing to me, I think." His father said.

"Well, I just have gotten to a point in my life where I don't believe he's even there. Like he's moreso just a figment of a book and everyone is going around worshipping him because it's all that they know." James said. His father shook his head. He looked his son in the eyes and spoke to him.

"James, God isn't going to appear to you like you hear people say he does. God isn't like they make him out to be in all those fancy Christian films. God is up there, yes, but God is also here. Right there." He said and he pointed at a nearby tree. James looked at it and realized he pointed at the tree.

"Dad, that's a tree." James said. His father nodded.

"To most, it may appear that way. But that tree, that very tree is God himself. Look around you. God isn't a single solitary deity. God is nature. Nature is God. God created us out of his own image. So, it is safe to say that God is more than just a big fat old man sitting up in space on his throne over at the Empyrean. God is in this world. In nature. In love and life. That is the true form of God." His father said. James nodded and made a 'hm' sound.

"I never thought of it like that." James said.

"Well, when you become my age you start rethinking everything. It's all you have left to do. Now, let's go get something to eat, my mouth is as dry as Kenya." His father said and he got up. James chuckled and stood there, watching his father start to walk away.

He couldn't help but let out a couple tears and reminisce on some memories he had gotten around to labeling as 'the good old times.'

He pulled himself together and followed his father so as to not lose him. He was a little bit closer to making his father change his mind or at least he felt that way. But nevertheless, he felt like his travel over here wasn't entirely in vain, to say the least. 


James stood outside the restroom as he waited for his father to finish up using it. He got a call. He looked and saw that it was Michelle. He answered it.

"Hello." He said.

"Hey, it's Michelle." She said. James nodded although she couldn't see it. "How's dad doing? Is he better?"

"Well, he told me what God is...which was quite an interesting conversation. We went to a hot dog stand and ate. He's in the restroom now. Should be getting out anytime soon. But, from the looks of it, I might be able to win him over to staying." James said.

"Well, that's good. Mom wants him to stay. She misses her husband to put it in her words. Do you know what made him want to divorce mom?" She asked.

"Well, he said he wanted space and that mom wasn't giving him that. Apparently she's clingy. But I'm going to try and see what his thoughts are now." He said. He looked over and saw his father washing his hands. "Hey listen, I gotta go. I'll call you back later."

"Alright, sounds good." Michelle said and the two hung up. James looked over at his father and saw him rubbing his hands together.

"Do you feel lighter?" James asked him. His father looked at him in an odd way and said his thoughts.

"Do you feel wiser?" His father asked and walked off chuckling. James thought about it and followed.

"Say, dad.... do you still wish to move away from mom or are you going to stick with her?" James asked. His father looked at him and spoke.

"Well, at first I was wanting to leave but now I'm thinking about it....I have been with her for so long that I can't imagine my life without her." He said. James nodded and patted his father on the back.

"There we are. Now, when we go home, you and mom are going to sit down and talk things over, right?" James asked. His father nodded.

"You bet your fur." His father said and the two walked a little ways before going home.

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