Chapter 4

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The next morning rolls around and the sunlight peeks trough the closed curtains and fall on Lynn's face, she slowly starts to wake up before realizing she still has Jenna on her body and in her arm. She almost expected to wake up today like any other day as if last day was a dream. Lynn looks down at Jenna who is still soundly sleeping and smiles, she- Lynn Hutton has Jenna Ortega pressed up against her in her bed. Lynn can't help but scratch Jenna's back with the arm Lynn has around her, this causes Jenna to shift and Lynn stops moving in an instant not trying to wake her up. Lynn feels like she could stay like this for the rest of the day but right at that tought Jenna's eyes start to flicker open. "Good morning sleepy head." Lynn smiles and realises that she said the most cliché thing she could've. Jenna stretches her legs and looks up at Lynn. "Good morning." She almost whispers still half asleep. Jenna lifts her head from Lynn's belly and looks at her alarm clock. Lynn watches as she sees Jenna's messy hair flow down her shoulders. "So when's breakfast?" Jenna says rubbing her eyes. Lynn stops staring at Jenna and focuses on her question. "I can make some eggs if you want?" she asks as she crawls out of bed and stretches her arms over her head. "yeah that would be great thank you." Jenna answers with a yawn. Lynn looks at the small looking girl in front of her, for some reason she looks so cute with messy hair and sleepy eyes and especially when she sits cross-legged. Lynn shakes her head after realizing what she just tought. "Yeah ok- coming up." She says a bit disorientated before walking out the room and to the kitchen.

She grabs a pack of eggs out of the fridge before the tought about Jenna comes to her mind again. "why am I thinking like this about her, I mean yes she is nice but she is a friend. But we did fall asleep cuddling last night. But it's nothing serious, right?" Lynn softly mumbles to herself as she makes some eggs for the two of them. "who are you talking to?" Jenna ask with a slight laugh as she comes in now having changed into a pair of light blue jeans and a slim black crop top. "Oh, just myself. Sorry I just think out loud I hope that's ok?" Lynn explains a bit flustered hoping Jenna didn't hear anything. "Oh that's ok." Jenna says as she sits on a stool across the bar in between the kitchen and living room. Lynn doesn't say anything else still having random thoughts about Jenna flashing by, she just tries to focus on the eggs. "Hey Lynn are you ok?" Jenna asks as she tilts her head and narrows her eyes. "I'm good. Why'd you ask?" Lynn doesn't look at Jenna with her question. "I may have only known you for a day but I know what a good face is, and it's not that." Jenna points at Lynn's head. "I'm ok! Jeez what is this an interrogation?" Lynn laughs uncomfortable. "No you're right, im just saying you look off." Jenna says as she puts her hands in the air in defense. Jenna sits in silence and studies Lynn as she finishes the eggs and divide them over two plates. "Orders up." Lynn says trying to lighten the slightly uncomfortable mood. "Thank you." Jenna grabs the plate from Lynn and starts to eat it quickly. Lynn also takes a bit while watching Jenna. "someone was hungry." She giggles before taking another bite. "I'm sorry I need food to survive." Jenna jokes as she is almost finished already but Lynn on the contrary is barely even halfway. They both eat their breakfast in silence even tho Lynn can feel Jenna staring at her. "So how was it?" Lynn asks as she grabs the plate from Jenna and puts it in the sink. "It was delicious, you are a pretty good cook." Jenna tells her as she rest her chin in her palm. "Oh well thank you, I'm no professional or something I just like to make eggs." Lynn says as she giggles at the sweet compliment. "I'm lucky you do or I would have never tasted eggs this good." Jenna says with a smile. "Jenna stop it." Lynn laughs as she waves Jenna off and sits down on the stool next to hers. "Why? Am I making you blush?" Jenna starts teasing Lynn. Right as Jenna says that Lynn can feel her cheeks get warm. "Just shut up will you." Lynn laughs feeling embarrassed. Jenna smiles even more as she can see Lynn actually blush. "No I can't, these eggs were just so good I am just thanking you." She teases further. Lynn now has her face hidden in her hands and peeks trough her fingers. "You can thank me by not talking about it ok?" she laughs still clearly embarrassed. "Fine, Fine ill stop." Jenna laughs loudly. "Im sorry Lynn you just look so funny when you blush." Jenna says as she puts her hand on Lynn's arm. Lynn looks up at Jenna with a stupid smile. Even though she was just teased she can't help but laugh. Normally she hates it when someone teases her like that but when Jenna does it she accepts it for a reason, it just doesn't feel as bad.

"Well what do you want to do today." Lynn says changing the subject at matter. Jenna puts the hand she had on Lynn against her chin and thinks for a second. "Well personally I like to go on hikes, maybe we can do that?" Jenna suggest looking back to Lynn. Lynn smiles as she thinks for a second. "I know the perfect place to go!" She says with a smile. "it's a forest on the edge of the city, It has a lot of routes we could walk." Lynn finishes. "That sounds great, I'd love to go there." Jenna responds. "That's settled then, I'm gonna take a quick shower and change into some better clothes then." Lynn says as she stands up and starts walking to the closet to grab some clothes. Lynn then goes into the shower and Jenna walks into Lynn's room to start changing. After 20 minutes they're both finished, Lynn is wearing a blue sport jacket and a pair of black sweatpants and Jenna is wearing a bright pink sporting jacket and grey yoga pants . "Ok before we go we should take some snacks and water with us." Lynn suggest before grabbing a small backpack and putting some protein bars in it. She also fills up two water bottles and stuffs them into the bag. "If were ready to go I could order us an Uber." Lynn says while pulling out her phone and opening the Uber app. "Yep im all set, let's go!" Jenna says exited as she opens the door. A cold breeze hits them as they step outside and as expected the sky is still grey and dull. Lynn takes the lead and walks out of the apartment building and holding the door open for Jenna.

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