Chapter 11

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When Lynn enters the living room Jenna immediately approaches her. "I'm sorry I just dropped this on you all of the sudden but I really don't want you to worry about me, trust me I'm fine, I've gotten used to it." Jenna says trying to reassure her. But the only thing Lynn can think of is how the hell she has gotten used to it, but as she thought earlier Lynn should just try to move on for now. "It's ok Jenna, but how about we make something of this day?" Lynn asks as she walks past Jenna to look out of the window facing the street below them. "I'm pretty sure there is a fair in town, maybe we could go?" she then says as the idea of the fair popped in her head. "Ehm yeah, that sounds like fun. Shall we go then?" Lynn hears from behind her. She turns around with a smile "After you my lady." Lynn says in an formal voice as she walks in front of Jenna to open the door to the small hallway for her, Jenna smiles and walks past Lynn with elegance. They put on their shoes and coats as Lynn orders them an Uber. As they open the front door the still cold winter air surrounds them within seconds making Lynn shiver a little. They walk out the building and onto the still almost empty streets, they have to wait a few minutes there until their Uber pulls up. As they get in Lynn tells their driver the destination, she turns to Jenna as she remembers what she did yesterday in their Uber. "Don't pull any funny business today understood." Lynn whispers as she leans over to Jenna, she just smirks and whispers back an unconvincing "yes ma'am.". Lynn rolls her eyes as she looks out the window at all the passing residences. As Lynn looks ahead of them she can already see a huge spinning tower with machines, she just hopes that Jenna is also a more stay on the ground kind of girl but she already starts to doubt it as she looks over at Jenna who is staring at the machine in the distance with anticipation. Lynn sighs and she can feel herself getting more nervous the closer they get. As the car stops Jenna and Lynn get out after thanking the driver, and now there they are standing, flashing lights everywhere, loud music and sound effects and a lot of people already even tough it's still early in the morning.

"Ok so what's first?" Lynn asks nervous as she sees the countless games and rides around them. "Why don't we start with something easy?" Jenna pats her on the back in comfort. "How about that one?" Jenna says as she points over to what looks like a big couch that is spinning up and down. "Okay, that doesn't look too bad." "Exactly, the bad stuff comes later." Jenna laughs as she is already walking over to the ticket booth, Lynn quickly follows her and they both buy one ticket each. When the couch stops spinning from the previous round and all the people are out, they can finally sit down. But Lynn can't help but still feel a little nervous. "Hey it will be okay, nothing is going to happened." She then hears next to her where Jenna is sitting with an comforting smile. One of the employees comes over to close the safety bar and collect their tickets. When everyone is well seated and their tickets are collected they can hear a few sound effects before they start to move. They first go up and down slowly but then as they go up again the ride speeds up and Lynn feels that weird tingle in her stomach that you feel when you fall, she can't help but let out a small scream and right after she does she hears loud laughter next to her, when she looks over Jenna is laughing like crazy. The ride continues for a few more minutes and Lynn can feel the feeling lighten but it is still annoying, especially to see how Jenna doesn't seem to feel it at all and how she is laughing at her. The ride finally stops and they get out of the seat to walk in front of the big installation. "Well I saw you enjoyed that one." Jenna laughs before Lynn hits her lightly on her arm.

After Jenna is done laughing they go to the next ride which was like a spinning plate with spinning carts attached to spinning poles, so basically a lot of spinning. Of course Lynn was screaming to most of the ride while Jenna was enjoying the right and making fun of Lynn. They bounce from attraction to attraction for a while: the bumper carts, the whirligig and even the swinging ship. Until after a while of playing games and getting some lunch they end up standing before the thing Lynn has been dreading the most, the tall spinning tower.

"So are you ready to die?" Jenna says while staring up at the huge tower called 'The Booster'. Lynn knows she is kidding of course but it still doesn't help. "I- I guess so?" Lynn almost asks. "Hey, we could also skip this one if you want?" Jenna then says as she looks at Lynn. Lynn really considers it but she knows Jenna wants to do it, and she also knows that if she doesn't do it she will stay scared. "No I want to do this, I need to do this." Lynn then says determined as she clenches her fist at her sides before walking over to the ticket booth. "That's my girl!" Jenna says exited from behind her as she walks after Lynn. Lynn watches still in horror as the big machine is spinning like crazy with the seats also spinning. When it stops Lynn reluctantly sits down next to Jenna who basically jumped into the seat. The employee closes their almost harness like safety bars and Lynn only gets more nervous. "Trust me Lynn, this will be fun, I'm right here with you." Jenna says from next to her, Lynn appreciates the comfort instead of teasing but when she sees Jenna reaching out her hand to Lynn it feels like all her fear washes away. She grabs Jenna's hand before softly saying: "Thank you." "Always." Jenna says as she squeezes her hand. And then the ride starts. And Lynn hates it at first, but when she remembers Jenna's telling her it will be fun, so she just lets go of every feeling she has and to just have fun. After letting go of her worries she feels good, amazing even, she starts laughing and as Lynn looks next to her at Jenna she is also laughing loudly. They are still tightly holding hands as she come to a stop above the ground, the braces open and they hop out. "That was amazing!" Lynn screams out as they stand back in the same place as they stood before, but this time she is not scared anymore, not in the slightest even. "Hell yeah it was!" Jenna laughs. "Thank you Jenna, you really helped me." Lynn the says after calming down from the ride. "Of course Lynn, I am glad you enjoyed it." Jenna replies softly. 

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