Being ignorant is a blessing

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Wednesday April 2, 2020:

Esmee POV


'So, your dad and I decided that we are getting a divorce.' My mother speaks.

We all sit at the table.

My father and mother on one side, me and my sister on the other.

I already saw it coming. Hell, I saw it coming since I was ten.

But that doesn't make the hurt less.

I keep looking forward, outside the window as both my parents explained the reasons of their divorce.

After a while my sister starts to cry, then my mother and even my father.

But I don't.

I look at my family and their broken looking faces.

They all hug each other and share their grieve.

I feel it too. I feel the heartbreak. Yet, I don't let it show.

Instead, I stand up and hug my mother who sits on her chair, with her face in her hands.

I wrap my arms around her body and kiss the top of her head.

'It will all be alright. Thank you for telling us.' I whisper.

She nods.

I look ahead of me at the bookcase, as I feel something inside me change.

My little sister is broken.

My father is unstable.

And my mother is burned-out.

Who does this family needs to fall back to?

I feel my brain burning in the change.

I feel my body matures in the realization of my condition.

As I promised my mom, it will all be alright. I will make it alright.

I place my head on my mothers and stroke her arms.

I twist my necklace and place my gaze upon the floor.

And not one tear has left the safety of my eye.


Wednesday October 5, 2022:

Esmee POV:


I bite my lip and move my weight from one leg to the other.

I sigh out and look at the ordinary grey sky.

People talk loudly and push others around.

The loud noises, the smell of body odor and the bright lights of people's phones make me close my eyes in pain.

Everything comes in like lightning. And I feel a familiar ring in my ears every time I hear noises.

My head hurts and my eyes feel tired already, even though it is seven in the morning.

I open my eyes again and focus on the dark grey bus in front of me. Trying to block everything out.

I feel a familiar hand grab my wrist and pull me forward.

My friend Julia drags me to the front of the line to the opening of the bus.

Our teacher stands next to it with a list in her hand.

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