Not a love story

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Wednesday October 5, 2022:

Esmee POV


'Go.' He says with a harsh tone.

Now that he wants me to leave, I don't feel like leaving at all. I must start developing bipolar disorder. 'But... I... Bu.... What about you.'

He keeps staring out of the window 'Just leave, we'll speak soon.'

No correction, he is must be bipolar. First, he insists, no he forces me to stay and now he shoves me away like thrash. Make up your mind you handsome man!

No not handsome... I shall not think about him in that way. I cannot think about him in that way.

I don't know what to do. I can't just leave him like that. It's clear that he's upset. Somewhere in my core I need to heal him. I need to make him happy.

Why do I feel this way? And why does it bother me so much that I feel this way?

Maybe because deep down, I feel that he as power over me. Power I simply do not understand.

I whisper softly, 'Are you okay?'

Even I see him stiffen, he turns slightly towards me. 'I'm okay, but you need to go.'

I ty to help him but he pushes me away. Well then, he can just go to hell. 'Thank you for dinner.' Are my final words. Then I realize I never had dinner.

I step out of the car and slam the door harder than I should.

I look up and see that Emma runs towards me and she takes me in her arms. She starts to cry on my shoulder. 'I was so worried.' She cries.

Before I know it, the entire class surrounds me, all with worried looks. Some girls look at me with jealous poisonous looks.

'Don't be. I'm fine, truly.' I hug Emma one last time and let her go.

She looks into my eyes. Her loyalty and loves amaze me every day.

In all the years that we've known each other, this is the first year that we've truly became good friends. And now, she is just my favorite person.

My art teacher steps out of the croup and takes me in, 'Well where have you been?'

Crap I have to lie. I mean it's not like I can tell the truth. I can tell the truth but who knows, maybe they won't believe me and think I'm just looking for attention. And even more... I don't want to tell the truth. I mean yes, he kidnapped me, scared me more than I could possibly imagine, brought all my hidden fears to the surface and he made me confess some private parts of myself. And yet I feel the strong need to protect him.

I look around me and see that the car has yet to move, 'I... um... A friend of my parents saw me and wanted to take me out for dinner. I'm so sorry if I caused any worry amongst you. I'm very sorry.' I hate lying.

The teacher seems satisfied with my answer.

I can't stop myself and look behind me to see the car slowly pulling up and driving away. Don't know why but my heart hurts. I feel discomfort like I've never felt before. The hole in my hearts seems to open again. And that is the moment when I realize that, for the first time in years it has closed. And now it is ripped open again. And it hurts more than it ever did before.

Why do I feel like chasing the car? That man cannot be the drug for my wounded heart.

You know what, It's probably because he's so good looking. It made me go rogue. I mean there is no way that I like him... right. I mean he kidnapped me. That is wrong and not attractive but at all.

Okey maybe a little attractive. I mean he was very sexy and powerful and...


I loathe myself.

My thought gets interrupted when the teacher makes the announcement that we need to be on our best behavior in the museum.

All of us walk inside and I can feel the eyes of my classmates burn holes in my back.

This is going to cause some rumors.

'Okay what the hell happened to you girl?' Julia puts an arm over my shoulder as we watch a painting.

Maddy gives me a cheeky smile, 'Yeah who was the hottie?'

Omg, they said that a little bit too loud for my linking and why is it so quiet in here! Has it always been this dead inside museums.

'Hush, we're in a museum.' I silence them.

Julia rolls with her eyes, 'Who gives. We just need answers. We were seriously worried about you girl. I mean you just disappeared.'

Julia and I have this strange relationship. Sometimes she really shows she cares for me. Other times it feels as if she dislikes me. And I do not know why. Maybe she feels obligated to care about me, since I stopped people from bullying her.

Emma her eyes start to water again. 'Did he hurt you? He was so big and looked scary.'

Again, I feel the need to protect and defend him. How dear she even says she thinks he is scary!

I stay calm, as I always do.

I give my friends a hug, 'He did not put me in harm's way. Like I said, I knew him already. I just haven't seen him in a while, so I didn't recognize him. But when we sat in the car, he explained everything. So there is nothing to worry about.' I give them my best smile.

They look pretty convinced. I must tell them the truth someday, just not now. Because then they are going to ask how I think about the situation and honestly, I don't even know what I think about it. Somehow the past hour just seems like a dream, or a beautiful nightmare.

And maybe... well there is a fair change, that I will never see him again.

Why does that thought alone break my heart?

I spin around to look at my friends, 'Okay, let us just forget all about it. It was a crazy ass day, we're all tired and we just need a good cup of coffee after this.'

My friends cheer at the sound of coffee, and those cheers follow with a lot of nasty looks from visitors.

Julia sighs heavy, 'Forget or don't forget. The man was still a hot piece of ass. I don't care he can do to me whatever he wants to. Bet he has a large dick.'

I've always found Julia to be a bit too rude and too direct.

Maddy laughs, 'I mean obviously all Alpha males do, and oh boy that man smells like power and money.'

Julia moans, 'My favorite kind of perfume.'

I close my eyes. O dear lord I am so fucked.

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